Sunday, September 16, 2007

God's Majesty

August 26th, 2007
Job 38:1-6, 40:1-14
What a mighty God we serve! Who among us can stand face to face with God and contend that God doesn’t know what He is doing? Job is now in the presence of the Almighty. It is time to put away the mere words and arguments of man and let God speak. At some point in Job’s suffering, he began to question God’s dealing. In his finite human ability, he endeavored to try to understand the providences of God and the full purpose of his life. He knew that he had not sinned against God but, and began to question the goodness of God. He realized that God was Holy and Just and ruled over the affairs of Man, but God had somehow left job “out to dry”. God is good! And He does all things right. Often in our own life, we find ourselves wondering why God has allowed bad things to come are way. If we are not careful, we will begin to question the goodness of God and His divine providence. We would never blame God foolishly, but we begin wonder if God really loves us. Like Job, we may need to come to a point of “repentance” and cast all of our cares upon Him for He cares for us and is mighty to show His power in our behalf.

Man’s Finite Comprehension
• Our understanding is limited to our knowledge
• The reasons and purposes of life are not ours to always know
Man’s Finite Knowledge
• Man’s knowledge is limited
• We will forever be learning more about God and His knowledge
God is Omniscient
• What a mighty God we serve- All knowing from start to finish
• The eternal God who has all things in his control
Job is Speechless
• In the presence of God we have no argument
• Job realizes his Woe is me!
Job Acknowledges his Faults
• Reflected on the providence of God
• Reflected on the wisdom, kindness, goodness, mercy of God
God Does All Things Right
• How far do we question God before start doubting Him
• He does all things well and is right and holy
Man’s Inability to Rise Above His Own Fate
• New age philosophy
• Man’s futile attempt to be God

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