Saturday, March 24, 2007

Jacob's Name Change

Genesis: 32:9-12, 24-30

When full salvation is obtained, God does a work in the human heart that changes the old nature of sin and self to a new nature of love and forgiveness. Jacob’s name change is symbolic to what Christ desires to do in the heart of all who come to Him. As Jacob wrestler with the Angel of the Lord to obtain his new name, he struggled with his old nature of deception. For Jacob to be all that God wanted him to be, he needed to realize and then confess this sinful nature to God. It was not until he was broken that God blessed him with a new name. May God help us to seek Him with perseverance until we are broken of pride and self-will. It is only then can we realize the fullness of God’s power and grace.

Following God- (return to thy kindred)
• In prayer we find God’s direction
• We often must face the past
• Unworthy of God’s faithfulness
Future unknown- (pass over this Jordan)
• We must depend on God for the outcome
• Leave all we have to God
• The unknown bundle
Fear of Esau (for I fear him)
• Human anxieties are to be expected
• We must overcome our fears of rejection and failures
Forgetting not His promises (and thou said…)
• God’s promises are always in the present
• We can stand on His Word
Forsaking of self (what is thy name)
• The struggle with the carnal nature
• The “death route”
Fortitude of spirit (I will not let thee go)
• Persevere in prayer
• “I will not be denied”
Fitness to receive (thy name shall be…Israel)
• Yielding will bring the victory
• Having power with God only comes by surrendering
Face to face with God (the place Peniel)
• It is real- I have seen God
• Experience of heart holiness is a definite work of Grace
• Have we experience God face to face?

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