Sunday, September 16, 2007

Job's Faithfulness

July 8th, 2007
Job 2:1-13
It was enough that Job suffered the lost of his children and processions. We often feel that we have reached the end of our endurances. And, often asked the questions. Could it get any worse? Why is this happening? What have I done to deserve this? Will it every end? No doubt, Job went through an emotional trauma as he was informed of his misfortunes. He was at the bottom and it seemed that he could not go any further down. But, the spiritual warfare still rages between good and evil. Satan’s desire is to bring ultimate defeat to man’s faith in God. It is said that every man and women has a price. And, at some point will be willing to sell. Satan was determined to bring down Job. God believed in Job’s undying faith and determination to do what was right no matter what happen. The testing of Job was more than physical anguish, but he also had to struggle with the hard questions in life. Does God really love me? Where is God when I need Him? What is the purpose of my life?

Spiritual Warfare vs.1-3 (Satan came... before the Lord)
• We fight not against flesh and blood
• Satan attacks the “apple of God’s eye”
Severe Trails (vs.4 skin for skin)
• Material and social lose
• Physical, emotional, and mental
Sovereignty of God (vs.6 save his life)
• God is in control
• He will not allow a temptation-more than we can bare
Sorrow and Suffering (vs.8 sat among the ashes)
• Dealing with pain
• All that live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer…
Speech Betrays (vs.10 thou speaketh… foolish)
• For out of the mouth comes cursing and blessing
• Let no corrupt communication proceed
• The power of words and speech
Sympathy of Friends (vs. 11 come to mourn with him)
• Bare one another burdens – so fulfill the law of God
• So glad to be apart of God’s family
• Sincere grief for those who suffer lose
Silence in time of Grief (vs13 and none spake a word)
• Custom of the day- Protocol, having respect for others
• Presence can do when words fail

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