Saturday, June 30, 2007

True Christianity

Mark 12:28-34, 38-40

Truth is defined as a verified or undisputable fact. Jesus proclaimed to be the truth. He not only spoke words of truth, but He himself was the essence of truth. True Christianity is to know Him. This goes beyond following a creed of rules or rituals. True Christianity is a relationship that is then manifest by the religion we live. Following the Christian faith or religion in truth requires a prerequisite. One must first be born of God through the Spirit, made a new creature through the sacrificial death of Christ. Accepted and adopted into the family of God. It is only through confession and believing that the blood of Christ can cleanse from all sin that one becomes a true believer in Christianity. The commandments of Jesus to those who follow Him are given to us here in the scripture, to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbors. It is not possible to do this without first coming to Christ, and accepting His forgiveness for the sins of our past. It is only then, can we truly start to serve God and live the religion that Christ taught.

Seeker of Truth vs.28
• Desire to know the truth
• Concluded that Jesus spoke with authority
Serving One True God vs. 29
• There is only one way to God
• He alone is truth
Selfless Love vs.30
• All your heart, soul, mind, strength
• Our affections, being, thinking- intellect, physical body
Second Command vs.31
• Love your everyone as you would want to be loved
Sincere Answer vs. 32-34
• Discreetly- caution, and good judgment, as well as wisdom in looking ahead. Carefully thought out.
Shunning False Religion vs.38,39
• Look out for those who claim to know everything
• Lift themselves up
• Appear to be dressed Holy
• Strive for power and position
Semblance of Righteousness vs. 40
• Take advantage of those who are helpless or easily manipulated
• The focus of their religion is keeping rules
• They have the talk, but not the walk
• They will be judge by God, who knows the heart.

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