Saturday, December 30, 2006

The New Heaven and a New Earth

2 Peter 3:9-18

The scripture is clear about the destruction of this world. As it was in the day of Noah, where God destroyed the earth with water, He now will bring all things to an end with fire. This world is not our home we are only passing through. We seek not for a city here on earth, but a city to come where He rules and reigns. Knowing this, we ought to live soberly, righteously, and look diligently for His soon return. The question we should be asking is, are we ready for that day?

God is not Slack
• Negligent or remiss concerning the promises he gives
• Man’s promises are weak and feeble and lack certainty
• God is patient with His creation
• God’s desire is that all men come to know Him
• Concerning the judgment of the earth- Destroyed
Seeing-By Faith
• The earth will be destroyed
• We our pilgrim, only passing through
• Life is like a vapor- here and gone in a moment
• We need to live holy and godly, else we become consumed
• Life after this world passes away- After we pass away from this world
Don’t be Slack
• Be on guard, be alert and diligent
• How will God find you- Peace of God? Without sin, clear conscience toward man and God
Paul also Speaks of these things
• Confirming the truth
• Difficult, but not impossible to understand
• Become students of the Word- Study to show…
Steadfast is the Lord
• Beware of those who will lead you to believe different
• Remain firm in the doctrine that was taught by Paul and those who learned at Jesus feet
• Continue to grow and become more like Him
• Resolve that you will live closer to God, even more so as you see the day approaching.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Word was made Flesh

John 1:1
Before God made the world and created man as a fleshly creature to oversee His creation, the Son coexisted with God the Father. His nature was one with the Father coexisting eternally as part of the Godhead. In the fullness of time, God’s eternal plan to redeem fallen man was put into action. The Son was sent. In a world of fantasy, our mind may somewhat be able to grasps such a process, But, this is not fantasy, this is a reality that time and history has recorded. Jesus Christ left His rightful place sitting at the right hand of the Father to condensed to this world to live among sinful men. He came with one thought in mind. To be the supreme sacrifice, the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.
The Word
• From the beginning with God
• Coexisted with God
• Deity of the Word- He was God
The Creator
• He is given credit for Gen 1
• Life is created by the life giver
• He came not to bring death, but life
• He was life and this life would guide men to God
The Light
• The Light penetrates and dispels the darkness
• Men in darkness do not understand this light
• It defy all what man has known- “Self”
The Witness
• John prepared the way
• He pointed others to Him- Behold the Lamb”
• He testified that Jesus was the light (life) sent to this world
The Rejected One
• His own creation did not know Him
• He was rejected by His creation
The Accepted One
• There would be a few select that would receive Him
• They would become sons of God- Being Born of the Spirit
The Incarnate One
Affirmation of God’s divine plan- He became a man- The witness of Him as the God-man- full of grace and truth

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Christian Progress

2 Peter 1:1-11

Review: The key to spiritual victory is by listening and submitting ourselves one to another. Being established in the Lord does not happen with two trips to the altar. It is a growing and maturing process. Those who are spiritual have a responsibility to nurture those young in the faith. New believers need to be willing to submit to God and His leadership. We all must be ready and watching for Satan is out to seek and destroy, but we have a mighty God who has given us the Holy Spirit to help us through every battle and come out victorious!

Precious Faith
• Obtaining- the abiding Christ
• Through the righteousness of God, not man
Precious Grace and Peace
• A peace that the world can not give
• Knowing God- Not about God, but intimate knowledge
• Come to the Father, through Christ
Precious Life
• Through His power and Grace we are made alive
• He has given all thing to us to make it through
• By knowing Him we can be Godly in Christ
Precious Promises
• The promise are exceeding and great
• These promise give us access to God and His nature
• Give us the power to escape the traps of the enemy
Progress made in Christ
• Giving all diligence- giving attention to, stay on top of it.
• Add to your faith- purity- heart
• Knowledge- Mind- the Word of God
• Temperance- Emotions- self control
• Patience- waiting- the ability to control your impulses-temp
• Godliness- Christ centered- O to be like thee- reflection of God
• Kindness- Hard to be kind when your not satisfied with life. Thoughtfulness- thinking of others first and their well-being. How can we show kindness to one another. Don’t allow your emotion to take control- frustration
• If we have not Love we have not Christ. Now abideth…..

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Key to Spiritual Victory

1 Peter 5:1-11

Review: The last two lessons, living as a Christian, and being a good steward. What applicable and practical lessons were learned?

The Key- The combination of “actions” making it possible to enter. In this case, we want to enter into a life of spiritual victory, where we can maintain a right relationship with Christ at all times. What “tumbler-cut” combination is needed to see us through to eternity?

What does it mean to be established in the Lord?
Steadfast in the ways of God
Faithful and loyal to the Lord
God can depend on you.
Circumstances in life will not separate you from the love of God.
Your life is centered around Christ and what He values.
Lastly, you are totally submitted to God and to others.

Peter’s addresses the Gentiles in Asia Minor:
The Responsibility of the church leaders (elders)
Feed those who God put under your care- Nurturing them
Oversee- protect from pitfall allow the way- Warn them
Motivated by compassion, not control or favor- Love them
Leader, not a task master- Lead them.
The Response of the newborn (young in the faith)
Submit to the teaching of the elders (this assumes the above)
Submit one to another. Preferring one another.
Spirit of humility- clothing- you are identify by what you wear.
Stay humble before God
Total surrender to God- Give it all to God- Cast it all to Him
The Readiness of the believer- Stay alert- Watch out!
Be sober- a sharp mind and not impaired or distracted. Serious.
Be vigilant- Alert and awake and keenly aware of danger
Resist the devil and remain steadfast to the truth
The Resources of the believer
The God of all grace
He knows what you are going through
He is able to make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Letter of Recommendation

Ye are epistle of Christ
Corinthians 3:1-18
Paul is writing to those who profess to be followers of Christ. It is admirable to desire to be an Epistle of Christ, but such is not possible without a born again experience, a personal relationship with Christ and a knowledge that all your sins have been confessed and forgiven through His blood atonement. We live in a day when people do not want to confess their need, they approach God with the attitude that they are going to “turn a new leaf,” start living right, or make some conciliatory adjustment to the way they are living. They rely on their past experience of knowing what is right and wrong. If they will only start to do what is right, then God will find them acceptable. It is too humiliating to confess that they have done wrong and too painful to admit fault and ask for forgiveness from God or from those they have sinned against. Jesus said, “Marvel not, ye must be born again” Dear people, can you point to a time where this experience took place in your life? If not, you are only building on doctrine and law, and as we have read in this scripture lesson today, such foundation does not bring life. In order for this passage of scripture to really apply to your life, you must first give your life to Christ in full confession and complete surrender.

When applying for a job, you often are required to submit a letter of recommendation to your potential employer. Such letters are a reflection of your character and work ethic. When asking people to write a letter, we often will ask someone who knows us well and will write something positive. It is not likely that we would ask someone who we have had conflicts with to write a letter for us. For such a person, no doubt, would write something that would keep us from getting the job, weather it was true or not.
I’m often asked to write letters for students and other teachers. Because of my conscience nature, I sometimes find it difficult to recommend that person to the position they are applying.
Examples of letter:
Student who was good students, but would not always follow through on what they were ask to do.
Student who was a good student in my class, but occasionally who be disruptive and off task, especially in his other class. I often feel like I have qualify my statements.
A teacher who I managed to get along with, but I knew how most people found her to be very unpleasant.
Then there are those that without a doubt , I can recommend, knowing they will get the job done and be everything that I said they would be
Mrs. Miller-competent in her subject, good rapport with her students, Great team member who is willing to collaborate with others, goes the extra mile and not just a job where she puts in her 8 hours. I highly recommend her and we will be losing one of our best!

I ask you the questions? Do people have to qualify letters written about you, or can one be written without hesitation about your character and work ethic? We are known and read of all men. You have heard, that the only Bible people may ever read, will be the life you live. Can your life be recommended to others as a life lived in Christ? Paul said, “Ye are declared to be epistle of Christ” A letter made alive recommending Christ to others.

Letter reveal a lot about a person. (Reflect on letters received from my uncle in Vietnam. Letter received from my brother in the navy.)

On the Internet, there are forums where people write “letter” or give their opinion. It is amazing how an attitude or spirit can be betrayed through the written words of people.

What kind of letter are you writing?
Letters that reflect the truth and are unequivocally stated
Our live reflect an attitude and spirit that can be sense by people around us.
Letters that are difficult to read because the writing is not clear.
Do you have a clear testimony?
Can you be read of all men, or is there confusion

Letters that lift up and bring good news
Does your epistle of Christ uplifted when you are around
To you bring hope to the situation or despair

A letter that has purpose and meaning.
Paul writes about being Ministers of the New Testament.
Our lives should be written by the Spirit of God who gives life, not by the Law of Moses that kills- Not judgmental and accusing

A letter that is open for examination and critiquing
Being honest, before all men, as an open book. No locked chapters. No pretense and real.

Do you have a spell check?
The checks of the Holy Spirit
Are you willing to be reworded or corrected?
What is your attitude toward correction?
Who does he think he is? I like to revise him!
Personal story- Quad Cities-Living in Iowa- Hair too long

Can your letter be used to point others to God and His likeness? Does your life reflect the true sense of Christianity? Does your testimony ring true and can be clearly be read of all men? How relevant are you? Are their goals and focus in your life, or do you live with no real purpose? Can you be recommended to the Father? Have you been sealed by the Holy Spirit? May God help us to be epistle of Christ, living to be read by all men.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Practice of Gratitude

Psalm 136
Psalm 92 “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord”

His Goodness
• He is Holy
• He defines Good-“God is good by His own essence. God is not only good in His essence, but good by His essence. He is essentially good by His own essence; therefore, good of Himself; therefore, eternally good; and therefore, abundantly good.” (Paul Mizzi)
• Everything He does is good. To say that God is bad, the opposite of good, is to say that He is not God at all. For every good gift comes from the Father above which there is no variableness of turning. Thank God for breath of life given to all men
• Goodness is not synonyms with mercy. Mercy implies that the recipient of mercy is indebted and desires forgiveness for his debt. And God’s mercy, reached down to man and shows mercy. Mercy is an extension of God’s Goodness.
• God is so good. Thank God for His holiness, righteousness, and His bountiful blessing toward ALL men.
His Greatness
• The wonders of His creation- we only need to look at the vastness of the heavens, how they declare His Glory. Search out the invisible through the eyepiece of a microscope to see the greatness of God’s creation. How foolish is man, to think that such wonder come about through chance. I will choose to thank God for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. For marvelous are thy works. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. How great thou art!
• He is Omnipotent-No mere man can conceive of God's might; God himself alone comprehends it. Man's power is limited, his measuring rod is too short to acquire a proper idea of the incomprehensible omnipotence of God. He acts what He wills by His will. What manner of man is this? For even the wind and waves, obey Him. Let us give thanks for his great wonders!
His Guidance
• He is our light- In a world of darkness, He provide a path that shows the way. As He did with the children of Israel, the pillar of fire will give us directions.
• He is our shepherd- “Gentle shepherd, come and led us” If we follow the great shepherd of our soul, He will protect us from the predators of this world.
• You don’t have to be lost and confused about the will of God, Thank God, He has provided direction through His word and Holy Spirit.
His Gift
• God so Loved- He gave. His love for you and me set in motion the greatest sacrifice every known unto man.
• It is a free gift of God by grace- The 1st Adam brought death, the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ brought the gift of life. By the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men that all men may live and be justified before God.
• It is not by works lest any man should boast, it is the gift of God.
• If you are tempted to complain, stop and give thanks. Thank God for this gift of life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus.
His Grace
• Split the vail in two- Made it possible to commune with God
• He did not forget us- In our low estate, unworthy
• He bought us back-Hosea bought Gomer back
• He desires a relationship-The prodigal son
His Graciousness
• He Supplies all our needs according to His riches in Glory
• His kindness toward his creation- Ye being evil, how much more God being good will give them that ask.
• We bow our heads in gratitude to give thanks for our daily provisions.
• Count your blessings one by one.
Gratitude- it is a good thing. The next time you find yourself being dissatisfied with your circumstance, reflect on his Goodness, consider His Greatness, rejoice in his Guidance, contemplate His Gift of life, marvel in His Grace, and be grateful for his Graciousness.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

As Strangers and Pilgrims

1 Peter 2:11-25
Review: Hope is made alive by the resurrection of Christ. He calls on us to wait with patience and accepting the trails we face as a test of our faith in that hope. It is in the trails that God can help us to grow and add to our faith. Please be patient, God is still working on me and no doubt, He is still working on you.

Temporary Dwelling
• We our only sojourners
• The balance- So heavenly minded, not earthly good
• Set you affections and treasures above
Temptation of the Flesh
• The pull of the world- the devil will work on our weak
• We must be masters over our natural fleshly desires
Testimony to the World
• The world is watching to see how you live
• We ought to please God 1st regardless of what the world thinks
• We are judge by God’s standard, not the world
Total Submission to God and Man
• Obeying the rules of man- Keeping the law
• We ought to obey God…. Make sure it is God, not you
• Honor those who are in authority- Your duty
• Subject yourself to the good boss and bad boss
Thankworthy in God’s sight
• Your actions will be honored by God
• Suffer for the Cause of God and not your mistakes
Taking up the Cross
• Jesus was persecuted for doing good.
• Follow His example- We should follow His footsteps
• Jesus did not retaliate when spoken against
• O’ To Be Like Jesus…
The Tree of Life
• His death on the tree brought forth life to all
• As pilgrims we must also take up the cross and follow
• True life and happiness comes only when we yield to God our all and see this world as a temporary dwelling place

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Our Lively Hope

1 Peter1: 3-12
Review: Waiting on God through prayer requires that we submit to God and have a heart that will forgive. Bitterness and un-forgiveness are on one of the greatest hindrance in seeing God answer prayer. We cannot earnestly and effectually see God work when our own hearts hold grudges and feeling of contempt.

The Abundant Mercy of God
• Again and again God is reaching down to us
• Hope that is alive and real- What do you hope for?
• Made possible by His resurrection

Anticipation of Heaven
• A place that will not fall apart or crumple
• A holy place
• It will be forever
• Prepared and reserved for those in Christ

Acceptance of Trial
• We rejoice even in our trials
• Tried by fire- Testing our faith in our hope
• We may be found still praising God

The Appearing of Jesus Christ
• Faith rolls back like a scroll
• Our faith become sight
• Rejoicing- The life of a Christian
• The end of faith- Our eyes shall behold Him

Attested by the Prophets
• They looked for the Christ to come
• By faith, they looked to future for coming
• We now see the fulfillment of what they said would come
• We can look back by faith that He came.

The Angels Curiosity
• A Holy God reaching down to unholy man
• God set men free from the bondage of sin

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Patience and Prayer

James 5:5-18
Review: Professing to be a Christian goes beyond calling oneself “A Christian”. Living a Christian life is to walk close to God, fleeing anything that would keep you from pleasing God. The Christian maintains his walk with God by realizing that within themselves they are nothing, but with Christ they can be all that God wants them to be. Let us surrender daily ours lives to Him, reframing from all wrong, and do what is right and pleasing to God.
Establishing Patients
• Patients- the art of “waiting on God”
• The husbandman analogy
• Establish- prepare your hearts- even till his 2nd coming

Embedded Hurts
• Hold no embittered feelings
• Forgive as Christ forgave you- You also will be accountable
Example to the Believers
• The prophet suffered affliction and waited on God
• The story of Job- We see how God rewarded job’s life
Endurance to the End
• Hardships are not meaningless
• God’s has a purpose
Evaluate your communication
• The use of oaths and swearing not to be taken lightly
• Yea and Nay, -As Christian, the words we speak should be binding and truthful and have no need for swearing
Encouraging Prayer
• Pray when the going gets tough
• Ask the saint of God to help you pray
• Physical and spiritual infirmities- Help nurse each back to health
Effectual Prayer
• Getting results from your prayers
• Red, hot, passionate prayers- Intense, focus, laborious
Earnest Prayer
• Serious praying
• Important prayers
• Diligently praying
• Preserver in prayer
• Don’t give up prayers.
• Elias- A man who patiently/earnestly prayed to God

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Living in God's Sight

James 4:7-17
Review: The words we speak and write can be used for good or evil. Speaking harshly, critically (judgmental), disrespectfully, or unkindly causes division among the body of believers. We must have the Holy Spirit to help us control our words. Do our words reflect the fruits of the Spirit?

Question: Do we live what we believe?

Submission to God
• Say “No” to that which is wrong
• Get close to God
• Ask for cleansing- forgiveness of sinful deeds
• Double minded Christians- Removal of the carnal mind-
• Attitude toward our sinful carnal condition- mourn and weep
• Humble yourselves- Not I, But, Christ! His strength

Speaking Evil
• Back to the power of the tongue
• Are we called to administrate the law or to live it?
• Only God can rightly judge who is living after the law
• We are not to set up ourselves as God. God knows the heart

Surrender our days to God
• Our days are given to God
• Life is short- Live each day as your last
• Make it a habit- The Lord willing….

Sin defined
• Willful transgression- He that knows.
• Refusal to do what is right
• Living a life that pleases God.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Power of the Tongue

James 3:1-18

Review: Faith and works are both essential. Faith and faith alone in the atonement of Christ is the only things that will and can wash our sins away. Works are the fruit that manifest to God that the work of salvation is truly sincere. The life of Abraham demonstrates to us how important Faith and works are both needed to keep the smile of God on our lives. “Enter in thy good and faithful servant”
Mastering Lives
• Seek power and control over the lives of people
• Let the office seek you, not you seeking the office
• We must seek to be servants and not power
• Be care how you use words to manipulate

Control the Lips (tongue)
• The bit in the horses mouth- words are powerful
• The governor of the ship- Words can sway the ground to change their minds- Pulpit manipulation

Danger of a Loose Tongue
• Ruin the influence of a good person
• Dispel discourse among the believers
• It can weaken the confidence of the body of Christ
• Bring down a church
• Brings the displeasure of God- set on fire
• It is the devil’s greatest weapon –destroys outreach
The Lie and hypocrisy
• Double talk
• Water fountain- Bitter or Sweet, fresh or salty- not both
• Fig tree/vine- Can a Christians speak evil? No! He should be bearing the fruits of a Christian. If he says he is a Christian and does not give Christian fruit, then he living a lie and is a hypocrite.
• Self examination- Don’t deceive yourself
Living after the Wisdom of God
• Pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to approach, merciful,
• Not partial, not living a lie (Hypocrisy)
• Sowing peace- What are we sowing?

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Faith and Works

James 2:14-23
Review: Real and pure religion must go deeper than the rituals that one may observe. To have a head-knowledge of truth, is not sufficient. The truth must not only be put to action, but it must come from a heart that desires to live and please God. Christianity is a heart religion. Believers are to be doer of God’s commands by showing mercy and living holy.

The Profits of Life
• What is the purpose? In everything you do
• What gain will you have? If you lose your soul
• What have you gained in life if your religion is empty of fruit
The Practical life of Faith
• Do we 1st see the needs.
• Are you too busy to stop.
• Does your religion get in the way of helping others- Good Samaratin
• Is it the thought that counts!!
• Serving the needs must go beyond words of comfort
The Proof of Faith
• Can faith be proven without demonstration?
• Show me- Demonstrate your love for God
• Words are very powerful, but it is only a token of good gestures
Precepts must be right
• You theology might be right, but…
• Consent of mind is not salvation-must have consent of heart
• Living and doing must come from the heart not to be in vain.
Patriarch Abraham
• The father of faith
• His faith was tested by doing the will of God
• He proved his faith by demonstrating willingness to obey
• Faith was completed and made perfect
• Righteousness before God- Demonstration leads relationship
Paradox of Scripture
• Paul said: Faith and faith alone
• James said: Faith alone is not good enough
• We are not saved by our works, but works is essential to show and demonstrate our faith in God

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Hearing and Doing

James 1:16-27
Review: We ended the series of Chronicles of Kings with King Hezekiah, a prototype of Israel. A king who had a good start, but ultimately was concern about preserving self and his self interest. We must not just start the race, but we must finish it with patience believing God until the end. Keeping revival fires burning in our hearts will help us run this race with patience and to endure suffering as a good soldier of the cross.
What is Pure Religion?
Do not err concerning this question!

Do not err concerning the nature of God
• God, The Giver of Good Gifts
• God, The Source of True light
• God, The One who Changes Not
• God has chosen His creation to reflect His truth

How is one’s religion Judged? How do you judge your religion?
Are you?
• Quick to listen to what God has to say
• Do you think through what you are going to say before you speak?
• Is your anger a manifestation due to self-injury or pride?
• Examine your anger in light of God’s righteousness Why are you angry? Sanctified emotions.

Does your religion go deeper than religious rituals?
• Have you forsaken the sinful pleasures of this world?
• Have you had the truth of God graphed into your heart?
• Do you have a head religion or a heart religion

A good listener is essential. Many seem to take it all in, but fail to deliver when the “rubber meets the road”

Believers are to be doers of God’s commandments. How?
• Take care of those in need? The orphan and widows: Show MERCY
• Unspotted from the world: abstained from the appearance of evil: SIN NOT- Live a life of HOLINESS.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hezekiah's Great Passover

2 Chronicles 30-1-13

Review: Israel had reached the end of God’s tolerance and mercy. It was time that sin be reckoned with. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that will he reap.” Israel had refused to listen to the preaching of God’s men. They were given every opportunity to turn to God. But they refused to heed God’s warning. Sin that has not been confessed will be dealt with. God will not let sin go unchecked. God is faithful, and if we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive. If confession is not made, the wages of sin is death. The judgments of God are sure.

Rise of a Godly King
1. Influence of a Godly maternal grandfather- zacharias- priest
2. Following after God and His instructions

Revival in the Land
1. He saw that things were not right
2. Revival of compliancy
3. Revival of the backslider- Return to the God of your fathers

Return to Worship
1. The invitation- called to worship
2. True worship start in the heart of God’s people
3. Ordaining of God’s house- A place to worship

Render to God your Heart
1. Yield to God your life
2. God will show mercy- His judgment will be deferred
3. Your decision to serve him will yield benefits
4. God will not turn away a penitent heart

Refusal of the Invitation
1. Not all will heed the call- but the invitation was given
2. Expect to be rejected- They are rejecting God, not you

Restoration of God’s People
1. May require us to destroy sacred shrine- the bronze serpent
2. Removal of all that is contrary to God’s holiness

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Captivity of Israel

2 Kings 17:6-18

Review: The passing of Elisha left Joash without a spiritual mentor. Even though he had someone that knew God and trusted God, he was not willing to believe God for himself. His unwilliness to claim total victory over the Syrian, indicated his little faith in God’s ability to give him complete victory. The example of Joash should show us that God is able to do anything if we don’t limit Him by our small faith by trusting in our abilities to get things done.

Israel made captive of the enemy

  1. Warned by the prophets
  2. Circumstances of life- God’s providence to show and lead?
  3. Hoshea, king of Assysia took Samaria
  4. Consequences of refusal to follow his commands- Captivity

Israel’s calamity was of their own doing

  1. They Forgot God
    1. His deliverance
    2. His provisions
  2. The Focused on the Things of the World
    1. They followed the ways of the world-huminism
    2. They put others things before God
  3. They Lived a False Life
    1. They still claimed to be serving God
    2. They did things in secret- deception
  4. They were Fascinated with idol worship
    1. Sinful pleasure of the world
    2. No moral restraints- If it feels good, do it!
  5. They Forsook the counsel of the prophets
    1. Refuse to listen to others
    2. Closed their minds to anything that represented right
  6. Their Faith in God was gone
    1. They refuse to believe that God could do anything
    2. They Would not commit to God’s ways
  7. Their Foolishness brought them to unthinkable deeds
    1. Children pass through the fire
    2. The unthinkable sins of our day- abortion, witchcraft

Israel Caused The Lord to be Angry

  1. God will not let sin go unpunished
  2. Whatsoever a man soweth, that will he reap

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Death of Elisha

2 Kings 13: 14-25

Review: Joash in his early years of his reign desired for the house of God (temple) to be restored. It pleases the Lord that His house be maintained and presented acceptable at all times. This is only accomplish when those who worship there are willing to give of their resources. Not giving to the needs of the house of God is a reflection of one’s attitude toward the work of the church and God’s kingdom.

The Passing of a Prophet
  • A life of plains, valleys, and mountain top experiences
  • Weeping for Elisha- Joash stability was leaving
  • Regarded as more importance than all the armies of Israel

The Prophecy of the Prophet
  • Demonstrated the meaning of the arrows
  • Shooting the arrow eastward
  • The defeat of the enemy- Syrians in Aphek
  • Joash strikes the arrow only 3 times- Limiting God’s power

The Passion of the Prophet
  • He was wroth.
  • Joash knew better- He refuse to believe
  • He was disappointed and frustrated with Joash
  • He saw Joash as a faithless man who depended on his own.

The Power of Influence of the Prophet
  • Man made alive in Elisha’s tomb
  • Bore testimony his character-activity- preserver- life giver
  • Bore witness to his connection to God- “Surely this was a prophet of God”
  • God still wanted to work his divine purpose for Israel even though the prophet was no longer on earth.
  • It showed that God was the “God of the living and dead”

The Promise of the Prophet fulfilled
  • God kept his promise/covenant with Israel
  • The promises of God are always kept, but we must also keep our promises that we make to God.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

The Temple Repaired

2 Chronicles 24:4-14

Review: The Famine in Samaria

God does not always answer prayers our way

The Lepers- Just don’t sit there, Do something!

Put some actions to your prayers-

Don’t keep the blessings to yourself, share with others.

The Reign of Joash- King of Judah- Bad blood. Jezebel & Ahab, but raised by a good man- Jehoiada. His life started out good, but he succumbed to the influence of those he associated with.

  1. The affects of worldly associations.
    1. Love the sinner, but hate the sin
    2. Jesus, a friend of sinners
    3. Where do we draw the line? Unequally yoked?

The Reform of Joash- The house of God- the temple was left in disrepair because the desire for the glory of God was gone. When true worship of God is gone, then His house is no longer a priority

  1. Working toward Reform- the physical and spiritual
    1. Making a new start- Opportunity taken- Remember God
    2. Unity the people- Focus on a goal- Sin is denounced
    3. Organize effort- discipline your life

The Repair of the temple was neglected- The Levites failed to follow through with their responsibility.

  1. Reasons for neglect
    1. They hasten not… it was not a priority
    2. The task seem overwhelming- insurmountable odds
    3. The money was not coming in- no support
    4. The people did not see their money at work
    5. Lack of trust in God to do something

The Revenue is abundant for God’s house

  1. Inspiring people to give
    1. Method of collection- creativity- trying new ideas
    2. Attitude change- give unto the Lord with joy
    3. Keeping it safe- don’t be careless
    4. Accountability- Use it for the original purpose
    5. Pay out for those who go beyond and above what is expected- don’t take advantage of the workman.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Stand for a Purpose

Daniel Chapter 3

King Nebuchadnezzar- on the heals of hearing the dream that Daniel had given, The king still only gave lip serve to the God of Daniel. The heart of Nebuchadnezzar was not satisfied with the many idols and images that were already established in his kingdom. The hearts of sinful men are seldom satisfied. The pleasures of sin are but for a season. They continue to seek for something that will satisfy. The king commands that an image of gold be erected. This image was to be about 100ft tall and 10ft in diameter. It is speculated that the King made this image to be liken unto himself. Daniel had said in the dream that he interpreted for the King that he was the golden head of the great image. The king is not satisfied just being the head he desires to be the complete image. Self always desires to be the center of the world. Everything evolves around them. If it is not their idea, then forget it. What will be the benefit? What will I get out of it? How will this make me look? They live on a ONE WAY highway. It is my way or no way! If it ever goes the other way, it is done with resentment and indifference. A true selfless life is not force to serve and give, it seeks out ways to aid, serve and help others. May God help you and I not to be enslave by a selfish, self-serving life and attitude.

The Chaldeans- It would appear that these men were only doing their civic duty by informing the king that there were some that were not obeying the law. It is important that those who call themselves Christian uphold the laws of the land. It is not expedient and right that laws be broken just because we don’t like them. We must be careful to lend our influence for good. But, this law or decree went contrary to the law of God. The Chaldeans no doubt were motivated by envy and jealousy. They do doubt remember the way they were stood up by Daniel. Their pride was crushed by the power of God when God revealed the dream to Daniel. Resentment and hatred filled their hearts and they sought ways to get back at those foreigner from the land of Israel. They looked on Daniel and these three Princes with envy as the King elevated them up to position of power. The carnal heart works in the same way in the heart of those who have not obtained the love of God. When the love of God is shed in our heart by the Holy Spirit, then we seek the good of others before seeking the good of self. We live the life of preferring. Even when wrong has been exacted, a heart that is filled with God’s love will forgive and give the benefit of the doubt. Who are we to hold grudges and resentment toward others, when God has shown us so much love and mercy. May God help us, to put aside those things which create strife and bitterness and give ourselves to a Christ like spirit of humility and compassion.

The Three Princes- As Daniel, these three men of God purpose in their heart to serve God. They would not be moved. They knew of the power of God. They remembered how God showed the vision to Daniel. They were confident that God was the God of all gods, and the Lord of all lords, They did not need any more proof of God ability to deliver. These three men purpose:
To serve God, no matter who gave the command, Christ did what was right regardless of who oppose him
The weaknesses of the flesh- The Temptation of Satan
He stood against legalist tyranny of the day. Scribe and Pharisees
The compromise of his followers- “Strike them with fire”
The ridicule and authority of rulers- Pilot, “Know ye not I have power to set you free”

To keep the commands of God, took a stand against sin. Christ said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments”
He that is born of God does not commit sin.
Ye cannot serve God and Mammon at the same time
What then? Shall we sin, God Forbid!
To believe God, in spite of the circumstances- Paul said, “What shall separate us from the love of God”
Circumstance and situation will not always go as we like- What is our attitude and spirit reflect?
Circumstance that seem to go against our constitution serve as opportunity to show forth the glory of God
To put their lives, in the hands of God. Christ said, “Not my will but Thy will be done”
We can rest knowing that God doeth all things well. Christian live a “win-win” life
The Son of God- In the midst of the fiery furnace, God is always faithful to show himself to those who stand for a purpose. If the purpose is to stand for those things that Christ would stand for, then he will show Himself mighty to deliver. He has promise not to leave us or forsake us. When you get to the end of your rope, don’t hang on, but let go and drop yourself into the hand of God and He will lift you up.
Ask yourself, What would Christ stand for? If you stand for the same purpose, then we can be confident that Christ is standing next to us to help us face the battle and difficulty that life brings.