Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hezekiah's Great Passover

2 Chronicles 30-1-13

Review: Israel had reached the end of God’s tolerance and mercy. It was time that sin be reckoned with. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that will he reap.” Israel had refused to listen to the preaching of God’s men. They were given every opportunity to turn to God. But they refused to heed God’s warning. Sin that has not been confessed will be dealt with. God will not let sin go unchecked. God is faithful, and if we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive. If confession is not made, the wages of sin is death. The judgments of God are sure.

Rise of a Godly King
1. Influence of a Godly maternal grandfather- zacharias- priest
2. Following after God and His instructions

Revival in the Land
1. He saw that things were not right
2. Revival of compliancy
3. Revival of the backslider- Return to the God of your fathers

Return to Worship
1. The invitation- called to worship
2. True worship start in the heart of God’s people
3. Ordaining of God’s house- A place to worship

Render to God your Heart
1. Yield to God your life
2. God will show mercy- His judgment will be deferred
3. Your decision to serve him will yield benefits
4. God will not turn away a penitent heart

Refusal of the Invitation
1. Not all will heed the call- but the invitation was given
2. Expect to be rejected- They are rejecting God, not you

Restoration of God’s People
1. May require us to destroy sacred shrine- the bronze serpent
2. Removal of all that is contrary to God’s holiness

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