Sunday, October 1, 2006

Hearing and Doing

James 1:16-27
Review: We ended the series of Chronicles of Kings with King Hezekiah, a prototype of Israel. A king who had a good start, but ultimately was concern about preserving self and his self interest. We must not just start the race, but we must finish it with patience believing God until the end. Keeping revival fires burning in our hearts will help us run this race with patience and to endure suffering as a good soldier of the cross.
What is Pure Religion?
Do not err concerning this question!

Do not err concerning the nature of God
• God, The Giver of Good Gifts
• God, The Source of True light
• God, The One who Changes Not
• God has chosen His creation to reflect His truth

How is one’s religion Judged? How do you judge your religion?
Are you?
• Quick to listen to what God has to say
• Do you think through what you are going to say before you speak?
• Is your anger a manifestation due to self-injury or pride?
• Examine your anger in light of God’s righteousness Why are you angry? Sanctified emotions.

Does your religion go deeper than religious rituals?
• Have you forsaken the sinful pleasures of this world?
• Have you had the truth of God graphed into your heart?
• Do you have a head religion or a heart religion

A good listener is essential. Many seem to take it all in, but fail to deliver when the “rubber meets the road”

Believers are to be doers of God’s commandments. How?
• Take care of those in need? The orphan and widows: Show MERCY
• Unspotted from the world: abstained from the appearance of evil: SIN NOT- Live a life of HOLINESS.

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