Sunday, September 3, 2006

The Temple Repaired

2 Chronicles 24:4-14

Review: The Famine in Samaria

God does not always answer prayers our way

The Lepers- Just don’t sit there, Do something!

Put some actions to your prayers-

Don’t keep the blessings to yourself, share with others.

The Reign of Joash- King of Judah- Bad blood. Jezebel & Ahab, but raised by a good man- Jehoiada. His life started out good, but he succumbed to the influence of those he associated with.

  1. The affects of worldly associations.
    1. Love the sinner, but hate the sin
    2. Jesus, a friend of sinners
    3. Where do we draw the line? Unequally yoked?

The Reform of Joash- The house of God- the temple was left in disrepair because the desire for the glory of God was gone. When true worship of God is gone, then His house is no longer a priority

  1. Working toward Reform- the physical and spiritual
    1. Making a new start- Opportunity taken- Remember God
    2. Unity the people- Focus on a goal- Sin is denounced
    3. Organize effort- discipline your life

The Repair of the temple was neglected- The Levites failed to follow through with their responsibility.

  1. Reasons for neglect
    1. They hasten not… it was not a priority
    2. The task seem overwhelming- insurmountable odds
    3. The money was not coming in- no support
    4. The people did not see their money at work
    5. Lack of trust in God to do something

The Revenue is abundant for God’s house

  1. Inspiring people to give
    1. Method of collection- creativity- trying new ideas
    2. Attitude change- give unto the Lord with joy
    3. Keeping it safe- don’t be careless
    4. Accountability- Use it for the original purpose
    5. Pay out for those who go beyond and above what is expected- don’t take advantage of the workman.

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