Saturday, November 4, 2006

Our Lively Hope

1 Peter1: 3-12
Review: Waiting on God through prayer requires that we submit to God and have a heart that will forgive. Bitterness and un-forgiveness are on one of the greatest hindrance in seeing God answer prayer. We cannot earnestly and effectually see God work when our own hearts hold grudges and feeling of contempt.

The Abundant Mercy of God
• Again and again God is reaching down to us
• Hope that is alive and real- What do you hope for?
• Made possible by His resurrection

Anticipation of Heaven
• A place that will not fall apart or crumple
• A holy place
• It will be forever
• Prepared and reserved for those in Christ

Acceptance of Trial
• We rejoice even in our trials
• Tried by fire- Testing our faith in our hope
• We may be found still praising God

The Appearing of Jesus Christ
• Faith rolls back like a scroll
• Our faith become sight
• Rejoicing- The life of a Christian
• The end of faith- Our eyes shall behold Him

Attested by the Prophets
• They looked for the Christ to come
• By faith, they looked to future for coming
• We now see the fulfillment of what they said would come
• We can look back by faith that He came.

The Angels Curiosity
• A Holy God reaching down to unholy man
• God set men free from the bondage of sin

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