Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Death of Elisha

2 Kings 13: 14-25

Review: Joash in his early years of his reign desired for the house of God (temple) to be restored. It pleases the Lord that His house be maintained and presented acceptable at all times. This is only accomplish when those who worship there are willing to give of their resources. Not giving to the needs of the house of God is a reflection of one’s attitude toward the work of the church and God’s kingdom.

The Passing of a Prophet
  • A life of plains, valleys, and mountain top experiences
  • Weeping for Elisha- Joash stability was leaving
  • Regarded as more importance than all the armies of Israel

The Prophecy of the Prophet
  • Demonstrated the meaning of the arrows
  • Shooting the arrow eastward
  • The defeat of the enemy- Syrians in Aphek
  • Joash strikes the arrow only 3 times- Limiting God’s power

The Passion of the Prophet
  • He was wroth.
  • Joash knew better- He refuse to believe
  • He was disappointed and frustrated with Joash
  • He saw Joash as a faithless man who depended on his own.

The Power of Influence of the Prophet
  • Man made alive in Elisha’s tomb
  • Bore testimony his character-activity- preserver- life giver
  • Bore witness to his connection to God- “Surely this was a prophet of God”
  • God still wanted to work his divine purpose for Israel even though the prophet was no longer on earth.
  • It showed that God was the “God of the living and dead”

The Promise of the Prophet fulfilled
  • God kept his promise/covenant with Israel
  • The promises of God are always kept, but we must also keep our promises that we make to God.

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