Sunday, October 8, 2006

Faith and Works

James 2:14-23
Review: Real and pure religion must go deeper than the rituals that one may observe. To have a head-knowledge of truth, is not sufficient. The truth must not only be put to action, but it must come from a heart that desires to live and please God. Christianity is a heart religion. Believers are to be doer of God’s commands by showing mercy and living holy.

The Profits of Life
• What is the purpose? In everything you do
• What gain will you have? If you lose your soul
• What have you gained in life if your religion is empty of fruit
The Practical life of Faith
• Do we 1st see the needs.
• Are you too busy to stop.
• Does your religion get in the way of helping others- Good Samaratin
• Is it the thought that counts!!
• Serving the needs must go beyond words of comfort
The Proof of Faith
• Can faith be proven without demonstration?
• Show me- Demonstrate your love for God
• Words are very powerful, but it is only a token of good gestures
Precepts must be right
• You theology might be right, but…
• Consent of mind is not salvation-must have consent of heart
• Living and doing must come from the heart not to be in vain.
Patriarch Abraham
• The father of faith
• His faith was tested by doing the will of God
• He proved his faith by demonstrating willingness to obey
• Faith was completed and made perfect
• Righteousness before God- Demonstration leads relationship
Paradox of Scripture
• Paul said: Faith and faith alone
• James said: Faith alone is not good enough
• We are not saved by our works, but works is essential to show and demonstrate our faith in God

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