Saturday, December 30, 2006

The New Heaven and a New Earth

2 Peter 3:9-18

The scripture is clear about the destruction of this world. As it was in the day of Noah, where God destroyed the earth with water, He now will bring all things to an end with fire. This world is not our home we are only passing through. We seek not for a city here on earth, but a city to come where He rules and reigns. Knowing this, we ought to live soberly, righteously, and look diligently for His soon return. The question we should be asking is, are we ready for that day?

God is not Slack
• Negligent or remiss concerning the promises he gives
• Man’s promises are weak and feeble and lack certainty
• God is patient with His creation
• God’s desire is that all men come to know Him
• Concerning the judgment of the earth- Destroyed
Seeing-By Faith
• The earth will be destroyed
• We our pilgrim, only passing through
• Life is like a vapor- here and gone in a moment
• We need to live holy and godly, else we become consumed
• Life after this world passes away- After we pass away from this world
Don’t be Slack
• Be on guard, be alert and diligent
• How will God find you- Peace of God? Without sin, clear conscience toward man and God
Paul also Speaks of these things
• Confirming the truth
• Difficult, but not impossible to understand
• Become students of the Word- Study to show…
Steadfast is the Lord
• Beware of those who will lead you to believe different
• Remain firm in the doctrine that was taught by Paul and those who learned at Jesus feet
• Continue to grow and become more like Him
• Resolve that you will live closer to God, even more so as you see the day approaching.

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