Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Power of the Tongue

James 3:1-18

Review: Faith and works are both essential. Faith and faith alone in the atonement of Christ is the only things that will and can wash our sins away. Works are the fruit that manifest to God that the work of salvation is truly sincere. The life of Abraham demonstrates to us how important Faith and works are both needed to keep the smile of God on our lives. “Enter in thy good and faithful servant”
Mastering Lives
• Seek power and control over the lives of people
• Let the office seek you, not you seeking the office
• We must seek to be servants and not power
• Be care how you use words to manipulate

Control the Lips (tongue)
• The bit in the horses mouth- words are powerful
• The governor of the ship- Words can sway the ground to change their minds- Pulpit manipulation

Danger of a Loose Tongue
• Ruin the influence of a good person
• Dispel discourse among the believers
• It can weaken the confidence of the body of Christ
• Bring down a church
• Brings the displeasure of God- set on fire
• It is the devil’s greatest weapon –destroys outreach
The Lie and hypocrisy
• Double talk
• Water fountain- Bitter or Sweet, fresh or salty- not both
• Fig tree/vine- Can a Christians speak evil? No! He should be bearing the fruits of a Christian. If he says he is a Christian and does not give Christian fruit, then he living a lie and is a hypocrite.
• Self examination- Don’t deceive yourself
Living after the Wisdom of God
• Pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to approach, merciful,
• Not partial, not living a lie (Hypocrisy)
• Sowing peace- What are we sowing?

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