Sunday, July 30, 2006

Stand for a Purpose

Daniel Chapter 3

King Nebuchadnezzar- on the heals of hearing the dream that Daniel had given, The king still only gave lip serve to the God of Daniel. The heart of Nebuchadnezzar was not satisfied with the many idols and images that were already established in his kingdom. The hearts of sinful men are seldom satisfied. The pleasures of sin are but for a season. They continue to seek for something that will satisfy. The king commands that an image of gold be erected. This image was to be about 100ft tall and 10ft in diameter. It is speculated that the King made this image to be liken unto himself. Daniel had said in the dream that he interpreted for the King that he was the golden head of the great image. The king is not satisfied just being the head he desires to be the complete image. Self always desires to be the center of the world. Everything evolves around them. If it is not their idea, then forget it. What will be the benefit? What will I get out of it? How will this make me look? They live on a ONE WAY highway. It is my way or no way! If it ever goes the other way, it is done with resentment and indifference. A true selfless life is not force to serve and give, it seeks out ways to aid, serve and help others. May God help you and I not to be enslave by a selfish, self-serving life and attitude.

The Chaldeans- It would appear that these men were only doing their civic duty by informing the king that there were some that were not obeying the law. It is important that those who call themselves Christian uphold the laws of the land. It is not expedient and right that laws be broken just because we don’t like them. We must be careful to lend our influence for good. But, this law or decree went contrary to the law of God. The Chaldeans no doubt were motivated by envy and jealousy. They do doubt remember the way they were stood up by Daniel. Their pride was crushed by the power of God when God revealed the dream to Daniel. Resentment and hatred filled their hearts and they sought ways to get back at those foreigner from the land of Israel. They looked on Daniel and these three Princes with envy as the King elevated them up to position of power. The carnal heart works in the same way in the heart of those who have not obtained the love of God. When the love of God is shed in our heart by the Holy Spirit, then we seek the good of others before seeking the good of self. We live the life of preferring. Even when wrong has been exacted, a heart that is filled with God’s love will forgive and give the benefit of the doubt. Who are we to hold grudges and resentment toward others, when God has shown us so much love and mercy. May God help us, to put aside those things which create strife and bitterness and give ourselves to a Christ like spirit of humility and compassion.

The Three Princes- As Daniel, these three men of God purpose in their heart to serve God. They would not be moved. They knew of the power of God. They remembered how God showed the vision to Daniel. They were confident that God was the God of all gods, and the Lord of all lords, They did not need any more proof of God ability to deliver. These three men purpose:
To serve God, no matter who gave the command, Christ did what was right regardless of who oppose him
The weaknesses of the flesh- The Temptation of Satan
He stood against legalist tyranny of the day. Scribe and Pharisees
The compromise of his followers- “Strike them with fire”
The ridicule and authority of rulers- Pilot, “Know ye not I have power to set you free”

To keep the commands of God, took a stand against sin. Christ said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments”
He that is born of God does not commit sin.
Ye cannot serve God and Mammon at the same time
What then? Shall we sin, God Forbid!
To believe God, in spite of the circumstances- Paul said, “What shall separate us from the love of God”
Circumstance and situation will not always go as we like- What is our attitude and spirit reflect?
Circumstance that seem to go against our constitution serve as opportunity to show forth the glory of God
To put their lives, in the hands of God. Christ said, “Not my will but Thy will be done”
We can rest knowing that God doeth all things well. Christian live a “win-win” life
The Son of God- In the midst of the fiery furnace, God is always faithful to show himself to those who stand for a purpose. If the purpose is to stand for those things that Christ would stand for, then he will show Himself mighty to deliver. He has promise not to leave us or forsake us. When you get to the end of your rope, don’t hang on, but let go and drop yourself into the hand of God and He will lift you up.
Ask yourself, What would Christ stand for? If you stand for the same purpose, then we can be confident that Christ is standing next to us to help us face the battle and difficulty that life brings.

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