Saturday, November 11, 2006

As Strangers and Pilgrims

1 Peter 2:11-25
Review: Hope is made alive by the resurrection of Christ. He calls on us to wait with patience and accepting the trails we face as a test of our faith in that hope. It is in the trails that God can help us to grow and add to our faith. Please be patient, God is still working on me and no doubt, He is still working on you.

Temporary Dwelling
• We our only sojourners
• The balance- So heavenly minded, not earthly good
• Set you affections and treasures above
Temptation of the Flesh
• The pull of the world- the devil will work on our weak
• We must be masters over our natural fleshly desires
Testimony to the World
• The world is watching to see how you live
• We ought to please God 1st regardless of what the world thinks
• We are judge by God’s standard, not the world
Total Submission to God and Man
• Obeying the rules of man- Keeping the law
• We ought to obey God…. Make sure it is God, not you
• Honor those who are in authority- Your duty
• Subject yourself to the good boss and bad boss
Thankworthy in God’s sight
• Your actions will be honored by God
• Suffer for the Cause of God and not your mistakes
Taking up the Cross
• Jesus was persecuted for doing good.
• Follow His example- We should follow His footsteps
• Jesus did not retaliate when spoken against
• O’ To Be Like Jesus…
The Tree of Life
• His death on the tree brought forth life to all
• As pilgrims we must also take up the cross and follow
• True life and happiness comes only when we yield to God our all and see this world as a temporary dwelling place

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