Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Word was made Flesh

John 1:1
Before God made the world and created man as a fleshly creature to oversee His creation, the Son coexisted with God the Father. His nature was one with the Father coexisting eternally as part of the Godhead. In the fullness of time, God’s eternal plan to redeem fallen man was put into action. The Son was sent. In a world of fantasy, our mind may somewhat be able to grasps such a process, But, this is not fantasy, this is a reality that time and history has recorded. Jesus Christ left His rightful place sitting at the right hand of the Father to condensed to this world to live among sinful men. He came with one thought in mind. To be the supreme sacrifice, the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.
The Word
• From the beginning with God
• Coexisted with God
• Deity of the Word- He was God
The Creator
• He is given credit for Gen 1
• Life is created by the life giver
• He came not to bring death, but life
• He was life and this life would guide men to God
The Light
• The Light penetrates and dispels the darkness
• Men in darkness do not understand this light
• It defy all what man has known- “Self”
The Witness
• John prepared the way
• He pointed others to Him- Behold the Lamb”
• He testified that Jesus was the light (life) sent to this world
The Rejected One
• His own creation did not know Him
• He was rejected by His creation
The Accepted One
• There would be a few select that would receive Him
• They would become sons of God- Being Born of the Spirit
The Incarnate One
Affirmation of God’s divine plan- He became a man- The witness of Him as the God-man- full of grace and truth

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