Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Captivity of Israel

2 Kings 17:6-18

Review: The passing of Elisha left Joash without a spiritual mentor. Even though he had someone that knew God and trusted God, he was not willing to believe God for himself. His unwilliness to claim total victory over the Syrian, indicated his little faith in God’s ability to give him complete victory. The example of Joash should show us that God is able to do anything if we don’t limit Him by our small faith by trusting in our abilities to get things done.

Israel made captive of the enemy

  1. Warned by the prophets
  2. Circumstances of life- God’s providence to show and lead?
  3. Hoshea, king of Assysia took Samaria
  4. Consequences of refusal to follow his commands- Captivity

Israel’s calamity was of their own doing

  1. They Forgot God
    1. His deliverance
    2. His provisions
  2. The Focused on the Things of the World
    1. They followed the ways of the world-huminism
    2. They put others things before God
  3. They Lived a False Life
    1. They still claimed to be serving God
    2. They did things in secret- deception
  4. They were Fascinated with idol worship
    1. Sinful pleasure of the world
    2. No moral restraints- If it feels good, do it!
  5. They Forsook the counsel of the prophets
    1. Refuse to listen to others
    2. Closed their minds to anything that represented right
  6. Their Faith in God was gone
    1. They refuse to believe that God could do anything
    2. They Would not commit to God’s ways
  7. Their Foolishness brought them to unthinkable deeds
    1. Children pass through the fire
    2. The unthinkable sins of our day- abortion, witchcraft

Israel Caused The Lord to be Angry

  1. God will not let sin go unpunished
  2. Whatsoever a man soweth, that will he reap

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