Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Vanities of Vanities

Ecc. 1:2 “Vanity of vanities,” saith the Preacher. “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”-

Man strives to gather the riches of this world, but at the end of life it is all left behind. The vanity of seeking this world’s treasures. We become keenly aware of it fertility when we take our last breath on earth. Life goes on and the world continues to function as if we were never there. What is left behind is a memory for those who also will come to the end of their lives and look back to ask, “What was my purpose, what legacy will I leave to the next generation that follows?” Is our life being lived in vain? Are we spending our time gathering earthly treasures? God who created all things, made us for a purpose and our short life on earth is to bring glory to Him. He knows each of us by name. It is beyond my imagination to think that out of the billions of people walking this earth, that He takes notice of each one us, and has a purpose for our existence. We walk not this earth in vain. Let us set our affection on things above, may we look to Jesus who give us a reason to live.

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