Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Living Bread

John 6:51 “ I am the living Bread which came down from Heaven. If any man eat of this Bread, he shall live for ever; and the Bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

As a young child growing up in the Catholic faith, I always pondered the purpose of communion. I recall the priest lifting up a wafer that represented the bread, which takes away the sins of the world. The meaning of this symbolism did not reach my heart until I was a teen seeking to know God through a personal relationship, and not through the rituals of church liturgy. I came to understand that Jesus, the Bread of life not only came to die for the world, but came to die for me. What a revelation I got when my eyes were open and I saw Jesus as my personal Savior who gave of his flesh, shed His blood that I may know forgiveness of sin. Yes, I went often to confession, and told the priest all the things I did I thought were bad, and there was a measure of peace that I had unloaded my guilt on someone else who was able to resolve my sins by have me say a few “Our Father and Hail Mary” prayers, but this was peace was only temporary. What a revelation it was in my life when I found out that I could always have this peace. That Jesus, the source of life could provide eternal life if I would only believe in Him. I know their are many who find comfort in their Catholic faith, and I respect that, but I did not find real satisfaction in life until I was able to partake of the Bread of Life. Life has never been the same.

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