Monday, November 28, 2016

Go in Peace

Luke 7:48,50b “ And He said unto her, “Thy sins are forgiven… Thy faith hath saved thee. Go in peace”

The wonder of having sins forgiven. Who is this that can forgive sins. He is not a mere man, but the High Priest for all who will come to Him and bow at His feet. It matters not our station in life, our social economic state, or our physical condition, Jesus, He who forgives sins desires to speak the words, “Go in peace”. When the burden of sin is lifted from the heart and guilt and condemnation are gone, peace comes and fills the heart with contentment. Knowing that God now sees us as new creatures, washed by His love, we can go and face life with peace that the world cannot give. Real peace, the gift of God comes only through knowing Jesus, knowing that God’s love reaches any heart that is willing to humble themselves and be a servant of the Master. He is the God of peace in a world of turmoil. 

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