Thursday, November 3, 2016

Profitable Servant

Philemon 1:11 “ In time past he was to thee unprofitable, but now profitable to thee and to me..”-

A profitable servant of God is one who is a positive influence for the cause of Christ. He has purpose and will invest his life to see the kingdom of God on earth. A profitable person has an attitude that is positive and optimistic. They are not a burden, but rather willing and wanting to give an extra hand to help carry the load. They are not dead weight in the church having to be catered to and served. They find ways to help others who are in need without always being ask. One cannot be profitable if they are always taking and not giving. They don’t drain the resources of God’s people with petty problems. Being profitable to the work of God happens when we are willing to put our wants aside and reach out to others in need.

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