Thursday, November 17, 2016

Christian Perfection

Matthew 5:48 “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in Heaven is perfect.”
What does it mean to “Be perfect” I read in a devotional this morning:
“it’s not possible to have perfect motives. We love the Lord and others, but our motives for how we live the Christian life are sometimes mixed with our desire to be valued or praised.”

This author’s opinion is that being perfect does not mean that we can always do things with a perfect motive. Jesus, the God-Man who walked this earth tells us that it is possible to be perfect. Is it possible to always make choices with the motive to please God? Can a Christian not always seek the Kingdom of God first in the way they behave, act, or react? As human beings, we live in a broken down human body that  are subject to the elements of this world. We make mistakes, our bodies grow weary and often our judgment in the choices we make our influences by the state of our mind when it reaches it’s limitation of handling stress. But is it not possible, when we have full control of our faculties to make choices with the intentions of always pleasing God? I believe that Christian perfection, the work of sanctification can give a person a heart that is always perfect toward God. Paul writes in the book of Romans to give yourself as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is our service to God. It is this consecration to God and the infilling of the Holy Spirit that allows a person to always make choices that are perfect in the sight of God. Let us asked ourselves, Why do I do the things I do? Let God examine our heart and determine weather they are perfect before Him.

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