Thursday, November 17, 2016

Avoid Temptation

Luke 22:40 “And when He was at the place, He said unto them, “Pray that ye enter not into temptation.”-

Temptation often comes to us unaware, but it does not have to take us unprepared. Maintaining a state of mind and heart to always pray will help us guard against the persuasions and enticements that Satan entreats us with daily. We are most tempted when we are drawn away by the lure of satisfying our own desires and wants. A desire for ease or pleasure, and the want of fame or riches face us each day. Temptation to rely on our own strength and abilities to do what needs to be done. Peter failed to stay alert and pray, he entered into temptation when he drew his sword to defend Jesus. He was relying on his own zeal and might, even though he was defending truth. Prayer is the key to resist and avoid given in to temptation. We should not allow ourselves to fall asleep spiritually. Be instant in prayer, always be God conscience and ready to make the right choices when temptation comes.

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