Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Deliverance from Suffering

Hebrews: 1135b, 39 “…and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. -And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise,”-

Deliverance from God is not always escaping trails and difficult situations. When we pray for deliverance and still suffer hard times, does God still answer prayer? No doubt, many who suffered persecution for their faith, prayed that God would answer their cry for deliverance. There were some that were saved and their were others that still were tortured. These are questions that I truly don’t have a good answer. Accepting God’s will in all matters of prayer is submitting to His sovereign will. God is able, but it is not always His will. I don’t know why God chooses some to suffer and others to be delivered, but believing God is in control and He knows best is to demonstrate a faith beyond seeing a deliverance from pain and suffering. By faith, we can trust God that all things are working according to His will and purpose.

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