Saturday, November 5, 2016

Our Manner of Living

Philip 1:27 “Only let your manner of living be as becometh the Gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you or else am absent…”-

How we live out weighs what we say. The words we speak can be powerful, but it is the actions behind our words that speak to the integrity of who we are. If we say we are Christian, and a follower of Jesus Christ, then our manner of living should reflect the Spirit of Christ. It matters not if we are in company or alone, our behavior is consistent to the life we profess. The popular saying, “What would Jesus Do?” is very relevant to how a Christian should live. We are saved by grace, but it is grace that allows us to live in a manner that reflects the teaching of Christ. God who is able to save us by His grace, is also able by His grace to help us live in a manner that shows forth His love and mercy. 

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