Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Nothing But the Blood

1 peter 1:18a,19 “For ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, such as silver and gold…but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot”

Nothing but the blood of Christ is able to redeem us back to God. No amount of money or means can buy eternal life. Unless we keep our minds and hearts focus on things above, it is easy to get our affections set on the things of this world. We are surrounded with messages that wealth is a sign of a successful life. The world values its worth on how much it can gain of this world’s goods. God looks at us with tender loving care.  We all are precious in His sight and His love for us is so great that He gave His Son to die for the sin(s) that separates us from Him. His precious blood that was shed on the cross is worth more than any earthly treasure on earth. We don’t have to be anyone special in this world, or have riches of this world to get God’s attention. His love reaches all who will come to Him, believe that He is the One to make us in His image. “Silver and gold, have I none, but such as I have I give unto thee”.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Rejoice in His Word

Psalm 119:14, 15.16 “  I have rejoiced in the way of Thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. I will meditate on Thy precepts and attend unto Thy ways. I will delight myself in Thy statutes; I will not forget Thy word.”

Sometimes reading and mediating on God’s Word is like a sword. It pierces the heart with convictions and reveals what lurks in the shadows when the light of His Word searches the soul. Rejoicing is not the first emotions that comes to my mind. His law, His commandments show us how sinful we are, and how bad we need a Savior. His Word does not leave us without hope. The testimony of the Lord is to show us that we don’t have to live in darkness and sin, that we can rejoice that He has provided a way to live and to live more abundantly. His Word becomes light that shine before us, leading us day by day to walk close to Him. We have a heart of gratitude, we give Him praise for giving us His Word that we can learn to walk in His precepts. His Word, that became flesh can now dwell in our hearts and fill us with joy beyond riches. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Go in Peace

Luke 7:48,50b “ And He said unto her, “Thy sins are forgiven… Thy faith hath saved thee. Go in peace”

The wonder of having sins forgiven. Who is this that can forgive sins. He is not a mere man, but the High Priest for all who will come to Him and bow at His feet. It matters not our station in life, our social economic state, or our physical condition, Jesus, He who forgives sins desires to speak the words, “Go in peace”. When the burden of sin is lifted from the heart and guilt and condemnation are gone, peace comes and fills the heart with contentment. Knowing that God now sees us as new creatures, washed by His love, we can go and face life with peace that the world cannot give. Real peace, the gift of God comes only through knowing Jesus, knowing that God’s love reaches any heart that is willing to humble themselves and be a servant of the Master. He is the God of peace in a world of turmoil. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Giving Thanks To God

Col. 3:17 “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father by Him.”- 

In everything you do, give thanks to God. Life brings a lot of ups and downs and it is tough to give thanks when the hard times come. I have never been in need where I was in a state of starvation, or where I would lay my head for the night. God has not allowed me to go through such testing. I would pray that even if He had me go through such difficult times, that I would still be thankful to God for His love and mercy. An attitude of a thankful heart is to give praise to God for all things. For all things work together for good to them that love God and are called to fulfill His purpose in our lives. For our purpose in life is to glorify the Father, and to give thanks in everything. Yes, even in times of distress and unpleasant situations. Knowing that nothing happens by chance, that God is in Control and we can rest and be thankful that He knows what is best. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Mind Set of Jesus

Phil 2:5.8 “ Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,… He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death—even the death of the cross.”-

The mind set of Jesus was always on serving others. He, who is the Son of God became human flesh to serve and die for humanity’s sins. The mind of Christ is to seek the will of the Father, to humbly submit to the needs of others, preferring others before self. This radical mind set is foreign to the philosophy of the world that promotes self gratification and self importance. Seeking to make a name, to make it to the top, climbing the ladder of power and popularity. Such is the mind of this world. Followers of Christ, that have the mind of Christ have picked up the cross, crucifying the flesh with all of its sinful desires that they may serve God and others as obedient servants of God. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Looking For a City

Heb. 11:10,16  For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God…Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He hath prepared for them a City.”

This world is not my home, I’m only passing through. Looking for a City that is not made by human architect. Man has achieve remarkable skills and technology to make habitats that are beautiful and stunning, but they will all pass away with time. God, has built a City that will not fade away, a City where the light of day and night is Christ Himself. This City, John saw coming down from the heavenly skies. A City where the streets are made of gold. We need to look beyond this world and set our eyes on things that are eternal. God has prepared a place for those who choose to believe, those who are faithful to trust God. For God will be faithful to us if we keep our eyes on that City.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Christian Anger

Eph. 4:26a, 32 “ Be Angry…and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”-

In a perfect world, everyone would put aside their own wants and even their dignity to keep peace. It is natural to be angry when wrong is inflected and our shelf image is wounded. The natural tendency is to strike back, and inflict pain to those who say and do things that hurt. Anger is a natural emotion that in itself is not sin. As Christians, we have a choice how we are going handle our anger. Paul says that we are not to let our anger become bitter and malicious. Jesus, our God and Savior has shown us how we are to act in the face being treated wrongly. React with kindness, forgive those who despiteful use you. Show the same forgiveness to others that Christ has shown you. Such choices are not natural, they are super natural and come through the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within us. We can lay our head down each night knowing that God has given us a heart of forgiveness and our feelings of anger can be given to God.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Avoid Temptation

Luke 22:40 “And when He was at the place, He said unto them, “Pray that ye enter not into temptation.”-

Temptation often comes to us unaware, but it does not have to take us unprepared. Maintaining a state of mind and heart to always pray will help us guard against the persuasions and enticements that Satan entreats us with daily. We are most tempted when we are drawn away by the lure of satisfying our own desires and wants. A desire for ease or pleasure, and the want of fame or riches face us each day. Temptation to rely on our own strength and abilities to do what needs to be done. Peter failed to stay alert and pray, he entered into temptation when he drew his sword to defend Jesus. He was relying on his own zeal and might, even though he was defending truth. Prayer is the key to resist and avoid given in to temptation. We should not allow ourselves to fall asleep spiritually. Be instant in prayer, always be God conscience and ready to make the right choices when temptation comes.

Christian Perfection

Matthew 5:48 “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father who is in Heaven is perfect.”
What does it mean to “Be perfect” I read in a devotional this morning:
“it’s not possible to have perfect motives. We love the Lord and others, but our motives for how we live the Christian life are sometimes mixed with our desire to be valued or praised.”

This author’s opinion is that being perfect does not mean that we can always do things with a perfect motive. Jesus, the God-Man who walked this earth tells us that it is possible to be perfect. Is it possible to always make choices with the motive to please God? Can a Christian not always seek the Kingdom of God first in the way they behave, act, or react? As human beings, we live in a broken down human body that  are subject to the elements of this world. We make mistakes, our bodies grow weary and often our judgment in the choices we make our influences by the state of our mind when it reaches it’s limitation of handling stress. But is it not possible, when we have full control of our faculties to make choices with the intentions of always pleasing God? I believe that Christian perfection, the work of sanctification can give a person a heart that is always perfect toward God. Paul writes in the book of Romans to give yourself as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is our service to God. It is this consecration to God and the infilling of the Holy Spirit that allows a person to always make choices that are perfect in the sight of God. Let us asked ourselves, Why do I do the things I do? Let God examine our heart and determine weather they are perfect before Him.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Deliverance from Suffering

Hebrews: 1135b, 39 “…and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. -And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise,”-

Deliverance from God is not always escaping trails and difficult situations. When we pray for deliverance and still suffer hard times, does God still answer prayer? No doubt, many who suffered persecution for their faith, prayed that God would answer their cry for deliverance. There were some that were saved and their were others that still were tortured. These are questions that I truly don’t have a good answer. Accepting God’s will in all matters of prayer is submitting to His sovereign will. God is able, but it is not always His will. I don’t know why God chooses some to suffer and others to be delivered, but believing God is in control and He knows best is to demonstrate a faith beyond seeing a deliverance from pain and suffering. By faith, we can trust God that all things are working according to His will and purpose.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Vanities of Vanities

Ecc. 1:2 “Vanity of vanities,” saith the Preacher. “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”-

Man strives to gather the riches of this world, but at the end of life it is all left behind. The vanity of seeking this world’s treasures. We become keenly aware of it fertility when we take our last breath on earth. Life goes on and the world continues to function as if we were never there. What is left behind is a memory for those who also will come to the end of their lives and look back to ask, “What was my purpose, what legacy will I leave to the next generation that follows?” Is our life being lived in vain? Are we spending our time gathering earthly treasures? God who created all things, made us for a purpose and our short life on earth is to bring glory to Him. He knows each of us by name. It is beyond my imagination to think that out of the billions of people walking this earth, that He takes notice of each one us, and has a purpose for our existence. We walk not this earth in vain. Let us set our affection on things above, may we look to Jesus who give us a reason to live.

Monday, November 14, 2016

To Be Likeminded

Roman 15:6,7 “Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another, according to Christ Jesus, that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

To be likeminded is to have a common goal and desire. To think with the same purpose and outcome. When everyone works together there is strength in unity. This is the essence of collaboration and team work. It is the ability to lay aside your own wants and desire and look to the common good of all. It was the prayer of Paul that Christians look to Christ as the focus of unity. According to Christ Jesus, what was essential and most important? In everything we do, it was to glorify the Father. As a body of believers, it is our purpose to be focus on eternal matters, keep our eyes and mind on things eternal. United together in our goal to keep Christ first and foremost in our hearts and mind.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Living Bread

John 6:51 “ I am the living Bread which came down from Heaven. If any man eat of this Bread, he shall live for ever; and the Bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

As a young child growing up in the Catholic faith, I always pondered the purpose of communion. I recall the priest lifting up a wafer that represented the bread, which takes away the sins of the world. The meaning of this symbolism did not reach my heart until I was a teen seeking to know God through a personal relationship, and not through the rituals of church liturgy. I came to understand that Jesus, the Bread of life not only came to die for the world, but came to die for me. What a revelation I got when my eyes were open and I saw Jesus as my personal Savior who gave of his flesh, shed His blood that I may know forgiveness of sin. Yes, I went often to confession, and told the priest all the things I did I thought were bad, and there was a measure of peace that I had unloaded my guilt on someone else who was able to resolve my sins by have me say a few “Our Father and Hail Mary” prayers, but this was peace was only temporary. What a revelation it was in my life when I found out that I could always have this peace. That Jesus, the source of life could provide eternal life if I would only believe in Him. I know their are many who find comfort in their Catholic faith, and I respect that, but I did not find real satisfaction in life until I was able to partake of the Bread of Life. Life has never been the same.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Fishers of Men

Mark 1:17 “And Jesus said unto them, “Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.”-

The calling of Jesus is for us to be “fishers of men”. People need to know that God cares and desires a relationship with humanity. The analogy that Christ uses implies that there is a purpose in life beyond making a living and surviving. Our purpose is whatever occupation we find ourselves in is to point people to God. To be a “fisher of men” we must be willing to let down the net, to let people know that God is good and He came to die for our sins and give us a new life. Learning to “fish for men” requires that we follow Jesus in His steps, and have the love and compassion that He has.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Doing Good

Gal 6:9 “And let us not be weary in welldoing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Doing good is a nature response of a Christian who is desiring to live close to God. The motivation to do good is not driven by what we can get back in return. But we desire to see the fruit of our labor as we reach out to see others find Jesus. We can become weary of not seeing our efforts bare fruit. We sow the Gospel seed by showing kindness to those who don’t know Him. We also show others that we don’t live unto ourselves, by carrying each others burdens. We cannot give up our efforts in doing good to others and to those who are of the household of faith. We may not see or reap in this life, but in due season, God will give the increase.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Our Manner of Living

Philip 1:27 “Only let your manner of living be as becometh the Gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you or else am absent…”-

How we live out weighs what we say. The words we speak can be powerful, but it is the actions behind our words that speak to the integrity of who we are. If we say we are Christian, and a follower of Jesus Christ, then our manner of living should reflect the Spirit of Christ. It matters not if we are in company or alone, our behavior is consistent to the life we profess. The popular saying, “What would Jesus Do?” is very relevant to how a Christian should live. We are saved by grace, but it is grace that allows us to live in a manner that reflects the teaching of Christ. God who is able to save us by His grace, is also able by His grace to help us live in a manner that shows forth His love and mercy. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Cup to Drink

John 17:11b, 18:37b “The cup which My Father hath given Me, shall I not drink it?”…To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.”

What is in the cup? We all have a cup filled with life and purpose. God has given us each a cup to drink and to this end were we born. What is life about and why am I here in this world? This question is asked from people from all parts of the world and from every station in life. We only live once on this earth, and God has allowed us to be apart of this world. The providence of God has filled each one of our cups to fulfill His will and to glorify Him. It is up to us weather we will be willing to drink of the cup He has given us. Life happens and it is no accident for God is in full control. “I care not today what the morrow may bring, if shadow or sunshine or rain, The Lord I know ruleth o’er everything…” Not everyone’s cup is the same, but knowing it is God who fills it, makes it easier to drink and knowing that our lives can be used for the cause of God to see His Kingdom come to pass. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Profitable Servant

Philemon 1:11 “ In time past he was to thee unprofitable, but now profitable to thee and to me..”-

A profitable servant of God is one who is a positive influence for the cause of Christ. He has purpose and will invest his life to see the kingdom of God on earth. A profitable person has an attitude that is positive and optimistic. They are not a burden, but rather willing and wanting to give an extra hand to help carry the load. They are not dead weight in the church having to be catered to and served. They find ways to help others who are in need without always being ask. One cannot be profitable if they are always taking and not giving. They don’t drain the resources of God’s people with petty problems. Being profitable to the work of God happens when we are willing to put our wants aside and reach out to others in need.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

God Hath Said

Get 3:1 And he said unto the woman, “Yea, hath God said, ‘Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”

God speaks to us in many ways, and knowing the voice of God can sometimes be difficult to discern. His Word speaks clearly what He desires of man. His Word speaks of love and mercy, but it also speaks of obedience to His commandments. We are to abstain from the appearance of evil. His commandments tells us to flee youthful lust and sin not. God has said, “Thou shalt… and thou shalt not…” Satan is a master of deceit, and will begin to have us question what God has already made clear. We live in a world where people are always questioning the validity of God’s Word. To appease their own sinful desires, they twist the Word to say what they want it to say. They call good, bad, and bad, good. Satan has perverted the meaning of love and have deceived many into doing things that are unholy. Let us not be fooled by Satan, but let us believe what God hath said. For it has been written, and He has spoken.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Run To Him

Prov. 18:10 “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and is safe.”-

I remember as a new freshman at high school running home fearing for my life. It was customary and sad to say tradition to initiate incoming freshman to the school. So, every day I ran home to avoid being caught. Unfortunately, I was finally corner in the boy’s restroom. Satan is out as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He intimates, frightens, and pursues the righteous into doubting God. He chases many into a corner and causes them to make unwise decisions. He is a master of fear and will tempt us to give in to unbelief. But with every temptation, God has provided a way of escape. He is our tower of refuge. When Satan begins his chase, we but have to run to His tower of protection. God’s grace is available to all who will run to Him. We need not fear the enemy of our soul if we are abiding in God’s strong tower.