Friday, September 23, 2016

Words of Kindness

Isaiah 50:4 “The Lord God hath given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary.”

Words of kindness does not take special talent to administer to other. There is the gift of helps, but speaking kind words to others is given to all who love Jesus. There is tough love that speaks to the truth of people’s behavior, but it is for the purpose of helping that person see themselves and make an effort to change. A person that loves God is always looking for opportunities to show kindness and speak encouragement to others. It may be words of appreciate, or words that uplift to help others enjoy their day. Even in times when we feel that we are being spited, we can “hep cups of cold water” to let them know that love and kindness can overcome evil. We live in world where we face trouble and circumstance that can be discouraging, Jesus came to bring good tidings and His desire is for those who follow Him to spread the news that God cares and He is the answer for those who are weary and heavy laden. 

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