Wednesday, September 7, 2016

With A Great Heart

Mark 14:6, 8a  And Jesus said, “Let her alone. Why trouble ye her? She hath wrought a good work on Me…She hath done what she could;…”

Everyone has limits on what they are able to do. We all have expectations of ourselves and others. We measure what can be done by our abilities and our willingness. God sees our willingness to serve and then gives us the help we need to fulfill His will. Our limitations are caused by many things that are beyond our control. God does not see what great things we have done, but the great heart we do it with. A great heart will give it their best and leave the rest to God. The attitude of a heart for God is to give all we have to Him. He will take what we give Him and multiply it hundred fold according to His will. Jesus desires that we just do what we can do, and then believe Him to tell the rest of the story.

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