Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Treasures of our Heart

Luke 12: 34 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

The passion of the heart can be found in what we treasure the most. To what do we give the most attention? What comes first in life? We live in a culture and society that values material wealth. Nice cars, big houses, fine clothes, expensive jewelry, and possessing things that will soon decay and fade away. The treasures of our heart reveals the depth of our love for God. What we seek first demonstrates what is most important to us. Jesus taught us to first be seekers of God and find our treasures in His will. Knowing God and His love is the greatest treasure one can have. When we come to know Him, He puts in our heart a desire to serve others, revealing His love through us. The things of this world become secondary, they are the things that God will add unto us as we seek Him first. May our treasure always be to know Him and love Him more each day. 

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