Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Now I See

Luke: 24:14, 31 “But their eyes were held, that they should not know Him…And their eyes were opened and they knew Him…”

“I once was blind, but now I see” are words from the well know hymn, Amazing Grace. There are many things that can keep us from seeing the kingdom of God. Sin is probably the most common reason. Blinded by Satan and living in darkness, we are blinded to the spiritual world of the unseen. Heaven is a fairy tale, a myth handed down from generation to generation. Heaven is not real, but only the imagination of humanity. We also can be blinded by following false teaching and being led in a path of error and deceit. Blindness to knowing Him, also occurs when we have our eyes on the problem and forgetting who He is. To have our eyes open to see, we must take time with God. We must let His words burn within us and speak to us. Our eyes of understanding will be illuminated as we tarry before Him. 

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