Thursday, September 22, 2016

Serving the Lord with Gladness

Psalm 100:2 “Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing!”

Serving the Lord, following Him is not always easy. Everyone in life faces situations in life that are hard. Those who serve the Lord will often face undue persecution because we live in a world that despised anything that rebukes their sin and lifestyle. The world is no friend of God and any friend of God is an enemy of the world. But serving the Lord is not hard when you know that He is always with you, even when the road is difficult to travel. Gladness is an attitude that God gives us when life gives us a lemon. We know that God can take something that is bad and turn it into good. Entering into His presence, wherever that may be with a glad heart. Know that He is the giver of all good things. rejoice and sing unto the Lord for He is Good. He is love, and His love is everlasting. Serving the Lord is not a chore when Gladness fills the heart. 

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