Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Facing Temptation

James 1:2 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations,”

Temptation is common to all men. We all face temptation to choose to do right or choose to do wrong. Adam and Eve were tempted to partake of the forbidden fruit. Their faith in God and their commitment to trust God was tested. God tempts no man to do evil, but in every temptation He provides a way of escape. He does allow circumstances to come our way that will test the fiber of our faith in Him. Satan tempts us to do wrong for the soul purpose of destroying our soul. In the fiery trails of life when we are at the crossroad of making choices to trust God or give in to our desires, James says to rejoice and count in all joy. We have once again been given an opportunity to show our love to God when we choose to do what is right. Trails and temptation deepens our walk with God. Experiencing victory over temptation give us a level of spiritual maturity that will help us become stronger in the face of future attacks. In times of temptation, let us put on the mind of Christ and ask the Holy Spirit to give us the strength to choose that which is right and holy. 

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