Friday, September 16, 2016

Triumph in Christ

2 Corinth 2:14 “ Now thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ and who maketh manifest through us the savor of His knowledge in every place.”

To triumph is to achieve victory which causes us to shout with joy and satisfaction. The joy of victory is manifested by our spirit as others see that it is Christ who gives the victory. Success in life comes when we allow Christ to work through us and in us. The actions we manifest shows others that we have been with Christ. His life is lived through us and we smell of His fragrance in every place we go. The way we treat others, the kindness we show when we are treated wrongly. It is God that causes us to be sweet when the carnal self desires to lash out. Our behavior and actions speak louder than words. It is the true essence of who we really are. To be victorious, we allow Christ to be our savor in every situation and place we go.

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