Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bread of Life

John 6:66 “From that time many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him.”

Following Jesus will not make you rich of the things of this world. The earthly bread of this life will pass away and eating that bread will only bring temporary satisfaction. Following Jesus is to eat of the Bread of life that lives on beyond this life. Many serve God because they believe that God will give them the desires of their heart and fill their lives with the material things of this world. Known as the prosperity gospel, people are fooled into thinking that being a Christian means that we now have a right to ask anything in His name and He will give it to us. Many of those who followed Jesus, followed Him for the loafs and fishes. They were not willing to take up the cross and follow Him to death. There are those who come to the crossroad in their lives to give it all to God or keep living for self. Those who choose self only want the bread of this earth, Those who choose the cross want the bread of heaven. 

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