Friday, June 17, 2016

Understanding God's Word

Nehemiah 8:8 “So they read in the book, in the law of God, distinctly, and gave the sense and caused them to understand the reading.”-

Understanding the Word of God. When I 1st got saved at the age of 15, I was told to start reading the Bible. I was given a New Testament and started to read the book of John. I began to soak in the Word. God began to open His word to my heart and I began to understand what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. There were many times I would read without understanding, but in due time God would reveal His Word to me and show me what it meant to be a Christian. That was over 42 years ago, and still today His Word is renewed day by day in my life. As I read selected portions of the Bible, I ask God to show me something new that will help me draw closer to Him. I have obtained a lot of head knowledge over the years reading His Word, but I long for more than just head knowledge, I long to live in His Word, to be graphed in and become one with Him. Understanding the Word of God is more than memorizing, knowing all the stories and what will happen in the end times. It is about knowing Him, understanding the mind of Christ, living out my faith and loving His Word, for He is the Word. 

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