Thursday, June 16, 2016

To Forsake Christ

Judges 2:12 “ And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, the gods of the people who were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the Lord to anger.”-

The anger of the Lord is against sin. Those who have known the love of God and His goodness and turn away from Him have rejected and have spurred His love. The compassion of God was no different in OT times. He loved His people and would show mercy time and time again. But sin cannot go on without consequences. There is penalty for sin, for those who have rejected truth and have allowed the passion of the flesh to rule the heart. The things of this world that turn our hearts away from God are gods that we bow down to. A person who has come to Christ and has experience the Love of the Savior, His grace and forgiveness is blessed indeed. To forsake Christ, and turn to sin grieves the heart of God. He who delivered us out of sin’s bondage, brought us out of the deep mire clay of sin, desires that we resist temptation and yield our hearts to Him in holiness. To trample the blood of Christ, will harden the heart against God. God loves His people, but willful transgression will have its consequence. Such shall not enter into the kingdom of God. 

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