Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Walking Before God

Gen 17:1,2 ““I am the Almighty God. Walk before Me, and be thou perfect. And I will make My covenant between Me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.”-

Walking before God. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the talk. Live what you preach and walk in His way. To walk is to be always moving forward. It implies that we are on a spiritual journey. To walk before God is to walk in the light of His presence. To walk in His footsteps. Because He is the Almighty God, He rules and reigns and is able to help us walk (live) a life that is “perfect”. As humans, we are filled with many imperfections. We see things through a dark glass and our minds are clouded with our own prejudices. We act and react based on our limited information and sometimes are led to judging or acting incorrectly. But, God is not desiring that we live a life that is void of mistakes or human error. He desires a heart that is perfect toward Him. One that will walk in perfect obedience to His will. Doing the will of God is a matter of choice, and we can choose always to follow His way. He has promised that if we will, He will do things in our lives that exceed our own human expectations. 

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