Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Share the Love of Christ

Mark 5:19 “...“Go home to thy friends, and tell them what great things the Lord hath done for thee, and how He hath had compassion on thee.”-

Influences and choices have a big impact how our lives turn out. We reap what we sow. All are born in sin and the nature of sin in each one of our lives bares its fruit by the choices we make. Being filled with demons is most likely caused by the influence of drugs or allowing oneself to dabble in the occult, worshipping of evil spirits. Sin has its affect on all of us and it is manifested in each person in different degrees. Coming to Jesus and asking Him to remove “cast out” sin out of lives will bring a change that will put us in our right mind. We now have the mind of Christ. A new life in Christ will not be hid to those who are your friends. They will see a difference in your life. Your life will now bare fruits of righteousness and the old life you once lived is now under the blood of Christ. Old things have passed away, and behold all things have become new. With our lips we will praise Him to all who ask of the hope, the change that God has done in our life. Let us share the love of Christ to the world and what Christ can do for those who are seeking rest for the soul and the peace of God.

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