Monday, June 27, 2016

Drifting Away

Heb. 2:1 “Therefore we ought to give even more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.”-

Drifting away from God happens so gradually. Letting those things that are important to our spiritual life slip away often happens when we become too careless and allow the things of this world to distract us. Legit as they may seem, they are insignificant when it comes to having our soul slip away from the Haven of Rest. The Anchor that holds us in place when the storms of life hit us. It is essential that we give heed to what God’s Word has to say and what it teaches us about living holy and right before Him. Staying anchored to the Rock and leaning strong on Him is our hope and salvation from drifting and finding ourselves shipwreck in life’s sea. “Dear Lord, help me to live in your Word and take heed to your commandments. Help me to stay focus on the things that really matter, keep me from drifting away from You”

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