Thursday, June 9, 2016

Servant's Heart

Phil 2:4 “Look not every man to his own things, but every man also to the things of others.”-

We live in a very selfish world. Since the beginning of time when Adam and Eve fell and disobey God, sin has ruled in the hearts of all born into this world. The natural tendency of man is to look after himself. “Take care of number one, because no else will” is often quoted from those who advocate selfish living. There are times that we may feel that no one else cares and we need take things into our own hands. The coming of Christ and the promise of the Father by sending the Holy Spirit has changed this thought of thinking. Christ came to serve and not be served. As Christians, we have been born again into the family of God and now follow Christ as our Savior and Elder brother. He is our example and has shown us the way, how to worship God, how to treat others. A servant’s heart will put aside their own desires, so that they may serve others. We no longer look out for number one, but we now look for ways to help others, even if it means putting our own wants aside. “May I look to Jesus to help me to find someone who needs help, look for ways to render my service to other, living not for self, but living to please God and do the work He has called me to do”

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