Wednesday, June 8, 2016

To Die is Gain

Phil 1:21 “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”-

For a Christian who believe in the resurrection of life, a life beyond this earth, death is a win-win situation. To continue to live and breathe on this world is to be able to live for Christ and show forth His love to the world. To die is to be with Him forever. “Death where is your sting, grave where is your victory” No doubt, life on earth will come to an end for all who are born to this earth. If we live to be 80 or more, we have lived beyond the average life expectancy for those who live in the USA. Life is like a vapor, it is here for a moment and they it is gone. The short life we live is a gift from God. But, the greatest gift is that of eternal life. Eternal life through Christ. Even though death is a river we all must cross, and it is one that we all avoid, the fear of it can be removed when we believe that Christ will conquer death for us and we will be with Him for eternity. Let us live today to fulfill the purpose that Christ gave us breathe, and let us be always ready to die, so we can be forever with Him. 

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