Monday, June 6, 2016

God is not my Crutch

Psalm 119:71 “It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I might learn Thy statutes.”-

God sometimes has to let us hit the “rock bottom of life” before we wake up and realize that we cannot make it without Him. He does not force our will to serve Him, but He often will send adversities our way to show us that the “arm of the flesh” is weak and we need His grace to help us make it through. The measures that are used often are drastic and we may question God’s purpose, but all things work toward the purpose to turn the hearts of people to God. People have a tendency to lean and depend on earthly things for security. They put their trust in their own abilities, their jobs, even their family. God wants us to depend on Him in every aspect of our lives. He wants us to do away with the “crutches” of self reliance and to fully lean on Him. “May I learn to fully trust God for all that I need, and give Him thanks for all that He provides” God is not my “crutch” I need more than a crutch, I need Him to carry me and sustain me each and every day.

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