Thursday, June 30, 2016

Abundant Life

John 10:10 “The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”-

Satan, the thief who is out to destroy our lives will go to any extent to get us from seeking God. He will accuse God before us and tell us that God does not care. If He cared, we would not be suffering the things we are going through. Satan is not only a thief, but he is a lair, and the father of lies. He can sound very persuasive and make it seem so “right”. His goal is to damn our souls and draw us away from God. Jesus, came to this world to dispel the darkness of Satan, to defeat his plan. On the cross, He gave His life that we who were dead in our trespasses and sins may live a new life. Not only escape from death and Satan’s hold, but be able to live a victorious life, victory over sin and Satan. A life that is more abundant, a life totally surrendered to Jesus and His way. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Way of Life

Eph 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath beforehand ordained, that we should walk in them.”-

The way of life for a Christian is to live to follow Christ. Follow Him in the way He lived. He came to earth not only that He may save us from our sins, but also came to show us how to live. We who are now born again, made new through redemption, His workmanship to fulfill His will and desire. We now walk the path that He walks, the path of love, doing good works, helping others in need, giving of ourselves willing, serving others as Christ came to serve. It has always been God’s plan that we live life in harmony with each other, that we show forth His love by loving those around us. There are those in the world that we find it hard to love. Their life is full of selfish living and they care not who they hurt as they seek to please themselves. Satan has blinded their eyes to what is right and holy. We are His feet, we are His arms and hands. We are His workmanship, created to glorify Him and do the work that will bring others to Him. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Pleasing Self

2 Corinth 5:15 “and that He died for all, that those who live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them and rose again.”-

Living to please self is an indication that one has not come face to face with the One who died for sin. Weather we realize it or not, we were all born into this world as sinners. We inherited the fallen nature of Adam, and the seed of sin is within us. The accountability of this sin nature is revealed to all men at some point in their lives. The law of God reveals to man the thing that are sinful and break the heart of God. Living life to satisfy the desires of the flesh and thinking only of oneself is at the root of sin. Unbelief in the One who died for sin is manifest in the way one lives their lives. When we come to Christ for forgiveness of sin, He takes our sin, they are nailed to the cross, and cast into the sea of forgetfulness. He begins to change the desire in our heart. We start to focus on the needs of others because that is what Christ did when He died for us. He died that man may live. God wants us to live a life of loving and giving. For those in live in Christ will no longer live unto themselves, but live to please the One who died for them. 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Drifting Away

Heb. 2:1 “Therefore we ought to give even more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.”-

Drifting away from God happens so gradually. Letting those things that are important to our spiritual life slip away often happens when we become too careless and allow the things of this world to distract us. Legit as they may seem, they are insignificant when it comes to having our soul slip away from the Haven of Rest. The Anchor that holds us in place when the storms of life hit us. It is essential that we give heed to what God’s Word has to say and what it teaches us about living holy and right before Him. Staying anchored to the Rock and leaning strong on Him is our hope and salvation from drifting and finding ourselves shipwreck in life’s sea. “Dear Lord, help me to live in your Word and take heed to your commandments. Help me to stay focus on the things that really matter, keep me from drifting away from You”

Saturday, June 25, 2016

He Brought Me Up

Psalm 40:2 “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.”

The pit and the clay that the psalmist speaks of can be symbolic of sin, or it can be seen has a desperate place in life. Either way, it is God that brings us out. He reaches down to where we live and with an out stretched hand He lifts us out of our hopeless situation. Weather lost in sin, or between a rock and a hard place, God provides a way of escape. There are times in life we feel that we are sinking and there is nothing to grab on to. We look around in hopes of a branch to hold on and try and pull ourselves out, but the miry of our problems just keeps pulling us down. Then Jesus passes by and sees and hears our cry. What a Savior! He stops and with love and grace, He pulls us out and puts us on a solid rock. A rock that is firm and stable. With Him, we can live knowing that He is our stability and we can walk with Him without fear of falling or sinking. Thank God! He brought me out, and gave me a life worth living.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Real Life

1 John 5:12 “ He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son hath not life.”-

To have, or not to have is the question. This is the most important question in life. There are so many things that we do not know and so many things we will never know, but one thing that we can know and must know is “Does the Son of God, Jesus abides in our heart?” If Jesus lives in our heart, it will be known of men by the fruit we bare. It is self evident, he that has Jesus will show forth the life of Christ. Accepting Jesus into your life is life changing. We live and learn the lessons of what it means to have the Son of God in our life. We daily face challenges in our life that bring doubt and confusing, but knowing that Christ lives within us, He is able to give us the victory. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Understanding God's Word

Nehemiah 8:8 “So they read in the book, in the law of God, distinctly, and gave the sense and caused them to understand the reading.”-

Understanding the Word of God. When I 1st got saved at the age of 15, I was told to start reading the Bible. I was given a New Testament and started to read the book of John. I began to soak in the Word. God began to open His word to my heart and I began to understand what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. There were many times I would read without understanding, but in due time God would reveal His Word to me and show me what it meant to be a Christian. That was over 42 years ago, and still today His Word is renewed day by day in my life. As I read selected portions of the Bible, I ask God to show me something new that will help me draw closer to Him. I have obtained a lot of head knowledge over the years reading His Word, but I long for more than just head knowledge, I long to live in His Word, to be graphed in and become one with Him. Understanding the Word of God is more than memorizing, knowing all the stories and what will happen in the end times. It is about knowing Him, understanding the mind of Christ, living out my faith and loving His Word, for He is the Word. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

To Forsake Christ

Judges 2:12 “ And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, who brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, the gods of the people who were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the Lord to anger.”-

The anger of the Lord is against sin. Those who have known the love of God and His goodness and turn away from Him have rejected and have spurred His love. The compassion of God was no different in OT times. He loved His people and would show mercy time and time again. But sin cannot go on without consequences. There is penalty for sin, for those who have rejected truth and have allowed the passion of the flesh to rule the heart. The things of this world that turn our hearts away from God are gods that we bow down to. A person who has come to Christ and has experience the Love of the Savior, His grace and forgiveness is blessed indeed. To forsake Christ, and turn to sin grieves the heart of God. He who delivered us out of sin’s bondage, brought us out of the deep mire clay of sin, desires that we resist temptation and yield our hearts to Him in holiness. To trample the blood of Christ, will harden the heart against God. God loves His people, but willful transgression will have its consequence. Such shall not enter into the kingdom of God. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Coven Tongues of Fire

Act 2:3,4 “And there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”-

Cloven tongues of fire is a symbolic sign of the Holy Spirit falling upon those believers that have prayed for the fullness of His power. The fire of God to purge the heart from sin, power to live above sin, and power to communicate the message that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and life. Power to speak God’s word without fear and to do it with love and compassion. On the day of Pentecost, many travels from different parts of the world, all speaking a language unique to their location. God, gave those in the upper room the power to speak in a tongue that could be understood by many languages. The language was split (cloven) and was spoken with power, so that others could understand the message that Jesus Christ came, died for our sins, rose again to give up life eternal. The message of hope that God has provided a way for sinners to come to Him. We now, through the blood of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit can come boldly to the throne of God and have an audience with Him. “It is for us all today, if we trust and truly pray” Come Holy Spirit!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Walking Before God

Gen 17:1,2 ““I am the Almighty God. Walk before Me, and be thou perfect. And I will make My covenant between Me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.”-

Walking before God. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the talk. Live what you preach and walk in His way. To walk is to be always moving forward. It implies that we are on a spiritual journey. To walk before God is to walk in the light of His presence. To walk in His footsteps. Because He is the Almighty God, He rules and reigns and is able to help us walk (live) a life that is “perfect”. As humans, we are filled with many imperfections. We see things through a dark glass and our minds are clouded with our own prejudices. We act and react based on our limited information and sometimes are led to judging or acting incorrectly. But, God is not desiring that we live a life that is void of mistakes or human error. He desires a heart that is perfect toward Him. One that will walk in perfect obedience to His will. Doing the will of God is a matter of choice, and we can choose always to follow His way. He has promised that if we will, He will do things in our lives that exceed our own human expectations. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

I Cried Unto Thee

Psalm 141 :1 “Lord, I cry unto Thee! Make haste unto me! Give ear unto my voice when I cry unto Thee.”-

In desperation and when facing difficult situations, we often will fall on our knees, or lift up our heads toward heaven and ask God to hear our prayers. Crying out in prayer in not just a casual conversation as we talk with God. A prayer that cries out is packed with a lot of emotion and sincerity. It implies that we are in need of immediate help and need God to answer in some way. There are times that we need to cry out for help. Satan is out to devour and destroy. In time of temptation, we are tempted to say things that may be unkind. We cry out and ask God to keep our heart tender and compassionate. The temptation to do wrong is not beyond a Christian who is fully surrendered to the will of God and filled with the Holy Spirit. We are human and subject to the limitation of this human body. We cannot make it on our own. We need His help. “Lord, I cry unto Thee! Make haste unto me! Give ear unto my voice when I cry unto Thee for the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Friday, June 10, 2016

A New Name

Rev. 2:17 “...To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it.”

A new name written down in heaven. A white stone signifying purity without spot or blemish of sin. Our nature has been changed, we are no longer the same person. Our lives reflect a new life that is separated from the world. We have left the world of sin behind us and no longer fulfill the lust of the flesh. Our deeds are unto holiness and righteousness. The doctrine of Nicolaitans, a comprise spirit with the world is gone. Our new name means that we now bare the name of Christ. Like Paul who was Saul, our new name will bring honor to Christ and glorify His Name. Christ puts within our heart a new spirit that will sanctify our personality and temper it to be used of God. Who we are does not change, but what we are does. Our new name will reflect a life that desires to please Him and we will seek to do that which is good and holy.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Servant's Heart

Phil 2:4 “Look not every man to his own things, but every man also to the things of others.”-

We live in a very selfish world. Since the beginning of time when Adam and Eve fell and disobey God, sin has ruled in the hearts of all born into this world. The natural tendency of man is to look after himself. “Take care of number one, because no else will” is often quoted from those who advocate selfish living. There are times that we may feel that no one else cares and we need take things into our own hands. The coming of Christ and the promise of the Father by sending the Holy Spirit has changed this thought of thinking. Christ came to serve and not be served. As Christians, we have been born again into the family of God and now follow Christ as our Savior and Elder brother. He is our example and has shown us the way, how to worship God, how to treat others. A servant’s heart will put aside their own desires, so that they may serve others. We no longer look out for number one, but we now look for ways to help others, even if it means putting our own wants aside. “May I look to Jesus to help me to find someone who needs help, look for ways to render my service to other, living not for self, but living to please God and do the work He has called me to do”

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

To Die is Gain

Phil 1:21 “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”-

For a Christian who believe in the resurrection of life, a life beyond this earth, death is a win-win situation. To continue to live and breathe on this world is to be able to live for Christ and show forth His love to the world. To die is to be with Him forever. “Death where is your sting, grave where is your victory” No doubt, life on earth will come to an end for all who are born to this earth. If we live to be 80 or more, we have lived beyond the average life expectancy for those who live in the USA. Life is like a vapor, it is here for a moment and they it is gone. The short life we live is a gift from God. But, the greatest gift is that of eternal life. Eternal life through Christ. Even though death is a river we all must cross, and it is one that we all avoid, the fear of it can be removed when we believe that Christ will conquer death for us and we will be with Him for eternity. Let us live today to fulfill the purpose that Christ gave us breathe, and let us be always ready to die, so we can be forever with Him. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Share the Love of Christ

Mark 5:19 “...“Go home to thy friends, and tell them what great things the Lord hath done for thee, and how He hath had compassion on thee.”-

Influences and choices have a big impact how our lives turn out. We reap what we sow. All are born in sin and the nature of sin in each one of our lives bares its fruit by the choices we make. Being filled with demons is most likely caused by the influence of drugs or allowing oneself to dabble in the occult, worshipping of evil spirits. Sin has its affect on all of us and it is manifested in each person in different degrees. Coming to Jesus and asking Him to remove “cast out” sin out of lives will bring a change that will put us in our right mind. We now have the mind of Christ. A new life in Christ will not be hid to those who are your friends. They will see a difference in your life. Your life will now bare fruits of righteousness and the old life you once lived is now under the blood of Christ. Old things have passed away, and behold all things have become new. With our lips we will praise Him to all who ask of the hope, the change that God has done in our life. Let us share the love of Christ to the world and what Christ can do for those who are seeking rest for the soul and the peace of God.

Monday, June 6, 2016

God is not my Crutch

Psalm 119:71 “It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I might learn Thy statutes.”-

God sometimes has to let us hit the “rock bottom of life” before we wake up and realize that we cannot make it without Him. He does not force our will to serve Him, but He often will send adversities our way to show us that the “arm of the flesh” is weak and we need His grace to help us make it through. The measures that are used often are drastic and we may question God’s purpose, but all things work toward the purpose to turn the hearts of people to God. People have a tendency to lean and depend on earthly things for security. They put their trust in their own abilities, their jobs, even their family. God wants us to depend on Him in every aspect of our lives. He wants us to do away with the “crutches” of self reliance and to fully lean on Him. “May I learn to fully trust God for all that I need, and give Him thanks for all that He provides” God is not my “crutch” I need more than a crutch, I need Him to carry me and sustain me each and every day.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Watch Unto Prayer

1 Peter 4: 7. “But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer.”-

It has been over 2000 years and the end of all things has not come. Nevertheless, we watch diligently things come to pass that were foretold in scripture. It is easy to let up and relax thinking the time will not end in our day. We start to let our guard down and allow the things of this world distract us from the purpose that God has given us. Living as we are in the last days means that we must remain sober, diligent, alert, eyes open, praying that God will be glorified in all that happens. Even when things look dark politically, we can have confidence that God’s will will be fulfilled. Prayer moves the hand of God makes things come to pass. Prayer keeps us in an attitude of submission and thanksgiving to our God. Prayer will open the eyes of others that they may see God. Every generation will see the end of all things. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and prayed “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.  

Friday, June 3, 2016

Power to the Faint

Isaiah 40:29 “ He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might He increaseth strength.”-

God will not forsake those who put their trust in Him. We become weary and tired at times. It may seems that God is far away and has left us to our own demised. Our strength has been zapped and we grow weary in well doing. We struggle day to day carrying the load. The task of living and providing for our human needs faces all who walk this earthly journey, but to walk the path that leads to eternal life are to those who have picked up the cross, and made their choice to follow Christ. The spiritual battle to stay in the faith to see others find Christ, to stand up for what is right, and to believe God for spiritual victory is one that causes us to become weary and discouraged.  We become weary in our prayer life when we don’t see results, we become tired of carrying the load to keep the doors open of a small church. Just when we begin to see some results, the seed is sweep away. “Lord, am weak and my spiritual strength is depleting away. Give me your power to see God’s work fulfilled , give me strength to carry on” 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Finding Grace

Heb. 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”-

There are times we wonder how we are going to make it. Not to be crushed under the load of cares and troubles. We all face difficulties in our lives that take us to our limits. The burden that each one of us carries varies in intensity. To some, it may seem that our burden is light, but at the moment it weighs heavy on our heart. The temptation is to cast away our faith and begin to doubt that God really cares and understands. It is in these times as we walk through the valley, that God wants us to hold on to our profession of faith, take up the cross and believe that God will provide a way of escape. For the One we follow knows what we suffer and in every aspect of suffering He feels our pain. Because we put our trust in Him, we can come into the presence of God and ask for mercy and grace. Because Christ already paid the price for sin, we, through faith in His shed blood can make our request known to Him. In our time of need, He pours out His grace that we may know His love and mercy.