Saturday, February 27, 2016

We Don't Understand

Job 38:4 “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding.”-

It is human nature to want to understand everything that happens to us in life. We seem to think if we can understand why some things happen, then we are more able to accept the circumstance that we face from day to day. Why God allows some things to happen is still a mystery to me. Like job, we question God’s judgment, we don’t see the purpose or good that will come out of it. Like God, we don’t see things from the beginning, we are not all knowing and can only live in the present. That is why we must put our trust in the one who is sovereign and controls the affairs of men. We need to learn to understand that we are finite and God is infinite. We have limitations that keep us from seeing the whole picture. It is not wrong to ask God to give us understanding. It is wrong to question God’s ways and blame God for all that goes wrong. God will not chastise us for crying out for help when we go through times of not knowing why. He delights in our willingness to give everything to Him, even those things we don’t understand

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