Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Training Our Body

1 Corinth 9:27 “ But I keep control of my body, and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”-
Growing in Christ requires that we work out spiritually, training our body and mind to do the will of God. Left to our own human tendency, it is easy to let down and allow legitimate human weakness to brings us down. Paul is teaching us that being a spiritual man will not come without some effort, and if we are not careful, our faith can become shipwrecked. Presenting ourselves as living sacrifices to God is the 1st step in bringing our bodies into subjection. Consecrating our life to Him and His will means that we seek 1st His desires before we act on impulse to fulfill our desires. It is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that make it possible for us to transcend the human flesh. He will empower those who are willing to say “yes”  to Him. Bring our body into subjection may require us to get up earlier in the day to spend some time with God. It is taking control of our thoughts when the devil bring temptation that will grieve God if we yield. It may mean that we make ourselves put down some things we enjoy that we may reach out and touch others for Christ. Disciplining ourselves to do what is right is something we set our will to do. If our will has been surrendered to Christ, then half the battle is done.  

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