Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Meat of God

John 4:34 “Jesus said unto them, “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work.”- 

Food, an essential part of maintaining good health and surviving. We daily depend on being able to eat 2 or 3 meals a day, and some snacking in-between. Yet, we often neglect our spiritual well being. We go a day or several days without taking time to eat from the table of God’s word. Our food is to do the will of God, knowing the will of God requires us to spend time in His word and in His presences in prayer. When we begin to feel weak spiritually, it is likely that we have failed to take time to eat. Wanting to eat is a natural instinct of the human body. Our body gives us signals that it needs food. The Holy Spirit is our guide in getting the spiritual food we need. He speaks to us when we start to grow lax concerning the things of God. He warns us when our strength is not what it should be. The battles we fight are not of this world, but are spiritual, we need to be ready to wrestle with the unseen. We need manna from heaven, and water from the fountain of life. He is all we need, but we must neglect the essentials as we endeavor to live for Him.

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