Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Called to Teach

Matt. 28:19 “ Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”-

God has called all of us to be teachers. To dispense of information that is essential to living a life that will secure eternal life. Jesus came to give His life to redeem us from our sins and sin nature. He also came to show us the way we should be living. Learning to live a life of holiness is a process that does not happen over night at an altar of prayer. Yes, we yield our hearts in full submission, but learning requires that we be taught to observe what is right and holy. As we walk with God, we begin to see that we also need to be teachers of His word. As teachers, we not only tell and instructed other in the Way, but we show others the way by the way we live. The greatest teacher is seen by example. “Show how to do it, and I will follow”. Let us feed on His word, that we may be ready to give an answer to anyone who will ask. If we live for God, He will never leave us, even when life comes to an end.  

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