Saturday, February 20, 2016


Psalm 77:11“ I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember Thy wonders of old.”-

It is easy to forget what God has done in the pass when we are facing hard times in the present. We are not to look back on our past failures and dwell on things that bring back memories that defeat us. But, we can look back and see how God has brought us through those times in our lives when it did not seem possible that we would find a way through. Let us not forget the wonders of God’s deliverance and His mighty power to answer prayer. In every situation we face, God has a plan to see us through. the Red Sea of today is no problem for God, we must remember that He is still the God who parted the Red Sea of yesterday. Let us remember and consider what God has done and how great He is. He is still in the miracle working business. He still wants to show Himself to us in all of His might and power. The giant we face today can be defeated when we remember that it is God who directs the stone and He never misses.

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