Monday, February 29, 2016


Heb. 9 :22 “And by the law almost all things are purged with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.”-

The forgiveness of Sin, and for charges to be dropped, requires that Jesus die and give His blood as the supreme sacrifice for all sin. The sin of Adam put the whole human race in debt. All born into this world are born in sin and all come short of God’s acceptance and relationship. To be accepted of God, one must have this debt removed. All of our human goodness and desire to do what is right falls short of having the debt paid. In the blood is life and the debt of sin can only be paid when the One that is worthy, without sin was willing to die on the cross and shed His blood for humanity. Remission, the forgiveness of sin is for anyone who is willing to confess their need to God and believe that Jesus’s blood can cleanse their heart from sin. He will give wash away our sins and give us new life and purpose.

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