Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Legacy of Blessings

2 Chronicles 21:20 “and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years and departed without being desired”-
The life we live will either leave a legacy of blessings or one of regrets. Jehoram lived a selfish life, and only cared about fulfilling his own selfish desires. In the end, he died a man without a friend. What kind of legacy will we leave behind when our days on this earth are over? How will people reflect when they speak about the life we lived? The choices we make in life will blaze a trail behind us and those who are looking on may follow. Our lives may not be perfect, but our heart can be. We can leave a legacy that will point others to God. It will not be the stand we take that will led others to Christ, but the love we show to others and how we treat our fellow man. Standing for right is to stand for truth and God’s word, but standing without love is counter productive. We have but one life to live, may we live it by walking in the steps of Jesus, and let His love flow through us.  May we leave a legacy that will count for eternity. 

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